Human Transformation

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Request by Hayley G.: What if Alastor was a Low-class demon being a cannibal but then he grows stronger

A/N: hm I'll add a small twist to this as well. Sooo enjoy


Alastor was walking in the forest humming a soft tune smiling as he held a Rifle letting it rest on his shoulder as he heard the weak tired pants of his next meal running away from him.

The woman ran as fast as she can her hands tired behind her back she stumbled down a small ditch scrambling to get up and continued to run through the forest spotting a tree at the left side and ran there quickly hiding behind it trying to silence her heavy breathing and try and hear her surrounding

she heard the soft hum buzzing around the area as she began to panic silently her eyes wide with fear. Then she screamed when the same tree she was hiding behind and been penetrated at the side with the sound of a rile going off she ran off only to fail once the same sound was heard again and she collapsed on the floor getting shot in the leg "a-aahh" she cried out in pain

Alastor chuckles walking over tossing the rifle to the side and sitting on his meals waist grinning darkly as he held a knife in his hand placing it near her neck, "you tried so hard to escape but in the end you failed my dear" he felt his body have a rush of adrenaline enjoying the screams and pleas of his meal feeling the warm blood splash across his face amd clothing as he finished her off holding his knife tightly. The blood drips from it as he stood up picking up his gun and grabbing the ankle of the dead female dragging her back to his home.

Alastor was listening to music from the grinning darkly as he thought about letting everyone know that he once again created a masterpieces with each victim after dumping their half eaten bodies or missing parts. After finishing his meal he looked at a photo of (y/n) and smiles more knowing you would love this new dish "time to pay a visit"

after dumping the latest victim on the street he continued to walk towards his favorite area. He looks up at the radio station walking up to the building and entering it going up the stairs and walked up to the door smiling as he just opened it and entered seeing the body of a dead security guard on the chair

"I see you had your fun dear" you turned hearing him smiling "of course, I could say the same for you Alastor~" he nods smiling walking over and handing over a small plastic container "dinner is ready my love~" you grabbed the container smiling and opening it licking your lips at a lovely presentation immediately taking a bite. Alastor opens the radio and announced to the world how another masterpiece was made describing in detail how he did it.

It was a rainy night when the police finally caught up to them (y/n) yells for him to run when they caught up to her. Alastor eyes widen but he ran as fast as he can holding his knife

a policeman told him to stop but he just ran up to him stabbing him in the chest exactly where the heart is running off when he heard gunshots and dogs he ran faster into the same forest where it all started. he stopped when he was surrounded by dogs and policemen he held his bloody knife up his smile never faltering he saw the policemen frowning at him

"Smile gentlemen! you know, you're never fully dressed without one."

that was the last thing he remembers before he heard dogs growling and barking and everything went dark

**End of Flashback**

Alastor opens his eyes sipping his dark coffee inside of Hazbin Hotel holding his mic Charlie walks up to Alastor "hey AL we have a new Client her name is (y/n)" that was music to his ears as he turns around in his seat seeing you standing there smirking at him.

"hehehe Darling~"


A/n: well thats the end I hope you liked this little twist and it was to your liking

Stay Tuned~

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