I'll Take Care of You

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requested by Talk_Show: what if the reader was a child and Alastor would take care of them

A/N: mkay lets get this started


Baxter was in his lab testing different chemicals thinking quietly trying to come up with something new

Of course you was always interested in his work and always told Alastor about it. you love when he and you relax in his bedroom talking about anything including Baxter crazy experiments.

Alastor took care of you and showed you how to be strong like him of course within the methods of teaching you, you both fell in love with each other and decided to be together.

He always noticed your tendencies to touch something that isn't yours simply because you was to curious for your own good.

You was looking inside Baxter's lab because he only allowed you since you actually liked what he does and you just so happen to touch something you wasn't suppose to

You sniffed the open small glass bottle with shiny glowing liquid inside you sniffed it and your eyes widen since it smelled sweet like your favorite fruit.

Due to the fact that your to curious to took a sip...or two and and scrunched your nose a bit "yuck it looks pretty and smells good but taste sour" you placed it back down and walked away suddenly tired.

Yawning you walked into Alastor's room and slipped into bed since Alastor would be home later.

When you woke up you felt something was wrong and off like how big this pillow felt and how short you felt under the covers "what the-" you gasped and covered your mouth running over to the body mirror beside Alastor's desk.

Your eyes widen you looked as though 6 years old and you was ready to cry "h-how did this happen nononono" You sniffed and panicked looking around the room ears perking up when you heard the familiar cheerful talk of Alastor

"(Y/n) i got you something while i was out im coming in" Alastor walked inside and stopped in his tracks looking at you

You paled hearing the static in the room you knew he only does that when he wanted to feed, kill for the fun of it.

You hoped he didn't think you was someone else "I'm sorry child but you shouldn't be here...it is best you get out or you will see things little girls like you shouldn't"

"Alastor it's me (y/n) i drank one of Baxter's thingy because it looked pretty and smelled good i-i didn't mean to" you started to cry falling to the ground ears low hugging yourself.

Alastor eyes widen in disbelief that was his (y/n) how the hell could this happen whatever it was you was still you just...not in the way he would prefer.

He walked up to you and sat beside you and pulled you to his lap and hugged you close "shhh its okay I'll take care of you (y/n)."

"I-I'm so sorry Al" you cried in on his shoulder sniffing

"There there it's fine my dear I'll talk to Baxter okay, Now (y/n)?"

"Yes Alastor?"

"Smile my love you know how much i love a pretty smile~"

You giggled cutely and smiled at him to which he chuckles since you looked adorable as a kid but he already promised to refrain from doing anything until he fixed this problem.

** Time Skip **

You was playing with Fat Nuggets since angel was out doing what he does best and Alastor wasn't at the hotel.

It was a while before you spotted Baxter and told him everything while he was excited that is experiment worked he was upset slightly that it was you that tested it out.

He told you there was no cure yet for this which made you devastated. you nodded and left sitting alone in your room hugging your knees sighing.

it was months later after Alastor spent time with you and took care of you even taking you out and making sure you wasnt bothered by other demons even manage to make them fear you.

it was late at night when Alastor lays beside you resting lightly holding you in a protective way. you was curling into his embrace and fell in a peaceful sleep.

when you woke in the morning you felt different yet the same you also noticed you was facing Alastor's face which made you blush deeply.

"wait Alastor...i can see you better" you look over at the mirror and you smiled wide seeing you was back to normal wait till Alastor finds out he will be so happy.

you went back to bed and hugged Alastor close falling back to sleep and you didnt notice the more wide smile Alastor had once you fell asleep again. "Surprise my love"

he closed his eyes and on the far left of the room where his jacket rested was a small vile that said "For (y/n)"

He smiled holding you close to him again rubbing your back slightly....


A/N: i hope you like it :)

Request are open

will be posting twice a week now because i start College tomorrow love you guys very much and i will post again have a good week guys ❤🤗

Stay Tuned~

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