Help Me

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Request from Hamilsquad1776: reader gets kidnapped and hurt and Alastor Saves you.

A/N: its was very fun to do as well hehe a nice side to Alastor


you woke up to a start feeling numb. you saw your ankles chained and your hands changed to the wall you groaned softly when you shifted biting your bottom lip in pain. "w-where am I"

"your in my prison my little bait" you recognized that annoying voice anywhere and looked up seeing Sir Pentious on the other side of the cage smirking down at you growling softly you tried to break free "you bastard what the hell are you doing"

"using you to get to that Demon Alastor you are always with him to what my minions say so i kidnapped you in order to get my way with Alastor and finally get my revenge once and for all from that last embarrassment."

"You will bring him to me whether you like it or not" with that last statement he went into the cage and had a whip in his hands your eyes widen but put in a brave front not allowing yourself to fall weak or give him that satisfaction.

It felt like torment that never ended keeping your eyes closed to not see him turning him out after his first laugh and the sound of the whip. It felt like an eternity before the blows stopped and he slithered away laughing low

you were panting trying to stay awake from the pain you were feeling. "Alastor please dont come for me I dont want you hurt..." you said low to yourself coughing harshly you let a sob slip past your lips the pain of being alone and the wounds getting to you in this silent cage.

The beatings didnt stop which to this point you stopped counting and took it all staying as strong as you can managing to spit in his face when he got near you which earned you a harsh slap across your face. You spit blood out of your mouth.

You didnt count the hours anymore assuming you been here for a while since those stupid egg heads mentioned the days ever so often when they came to pester you. Eyes heavy with slumber or maybe it was your body giving up on you.

You woke up for a moment to the sound of screams and literally eggs cracking you saw red and those familiar dial eyes, you felt the strong static and you felt comfort in it slowly starting to losing consciousness once again.

Eyes blurry seeing what looked like Alastors figure in front of you the last thing you remember or heard was possibly was "your safe now"

The next time you woke up you was in Alastors room on his bed your wounds wrapped and you body cleaned from blood and dirt you notice you was wearing his jacket and wearing clean clothing as well smiling tiredly.

You looked up to the side of the bed to see Alastor sitting there reading a book his ears twitched to a sudden movement and he looked at you his eyes bright and smile wide "(y/n) your awake, Im glad your okay" he took your hand gently in his.

"How long was I out" you said softly voice slightly raspy. "only two days dear, I am sorry for not coming there more quickly he had little traps here and there so I took it upon myself to destroy each one and him as well so much yolk everywhere" he chuckles smiling "I am glad your alright"

"Im sorry for getting caught I should have been more alert....I was trying to find good old juke box to surprise you with but.." he leaned in and kissed your cheek softly "you're okay thats all that matters dear, now rest I will be right here when you wake up"

You held his hand close to yours and smiled going to sleep knowing well you was safe.


A/N: woohoo thanks for the support guys much appreciated.💙

Stay Tuned~

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