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"Life is the most difficult exam.
Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper."

Jennie's POV

He came closer until there was no space between them two. Their lips inches away from each other. She wanted him to kiss her desperately but once she dared to look into his eyes, she saw a monster.
A monster that was smiling like crazy.

His large hands laid on her throat. He did not let her any opportunity to breathe. Her lips parted begging with her eyes to stop.
But he didn't. He was too strong and she too weak.

The last thing her blurry eyes saw was the tall man strangling her to death. Everything turned black until she opened her eyes breathing hastily.

She was in her room laying on her bed. Jennie looked at the time it was 5:37AM. She sighed massaging her temples still overwhelmed with her dream.
"It was just a bad dream Jen..nothing more"

Jennie tried to close her eyes again falling asleep in her cozy bed, hugging her pillow..but something kept her awake. In her dream she couldn't identify the man nor see his face. She only saw those black eyes screaming for blood. But yet she wanted his lips on hers. It felt like she knew him...but how? Who was this mysterious man?
Jennie's phone rang in the morning and she slowly started to wake up from dreamland..the good dreamland. She groaned because she could not sleep so well last night. Accepting the call there was a coughing Lisa on the other side.

"Hey Jen..can you do the first shift? I feel horrible and threw up the past hours.." Lisa spoke nasally, coughing and sneezing the whole time.

"Yeah of course! Please rest a lot..do you want me to get you soup? I can do it after work-"
"NO- I mean n-no need to..Jungkook already brought me one.." Lisa explained.

Jungkook was her boyfriend of 1-2 years. Jennie does not see him often, maybe only saw him three times. He looks like a total fuckboy but is actually polite and nice to her best friend. He makes her happy and that is everything that matters but somehow Jennie feels like he hides stuff from her..

For some reason Jennie got suspicious on how Lisa reacted but she shrugged it off "oh okay..get well soon" Jennie replied
"Yeah I hopefully will..and thank you, you just saved my ass" Lisa chuckled a bit but a cough followed.

"Jeez go and sleep now..we talk later?" Jennie asked waiting for an answer
"Yeah maybe later..I'm going to rest now bye Jen-" Lisa responded and before Jennie could say it back, Lisa already ended the call.
Jennie got off her bed and directly walked towards the bathroom washing her face and brushing her teeth.
After that, she reached for simple clothes in her closet. Deciding to wear a baby blue sweater combined with a high waisted black jeans.

She headed to the café which was still completely empty, dark and closed. She turned the lights on and later she started to put coffee beans into the machines. She was alone so she had a great idea turning the volume of her favorite song up singing and dancing to it while she worked.

Taehyung's POV

"Can't we just kill him?" He spoke out annoyed seeing the scared man on the ground begging for exemption.

"I told you, Namjoon wants him alive no dead bodies today..it is fucking hard to remove the bodies you kill!" Jimin said in an annoyed tone as well while the man on the ground just looked at the two with teary eyes.

Taehyung shrugged to that "so what? It's not like the police could do something to us.." he grinned devilish which made the short man roll his eyes in annoyance.

Jennie's POV
Jennie laughed after the song ended and turned the volume a bit down. She had to throw the trash in the trash can which was outside the café. Actually behind it. It always creeped her out since the alley was so quiet and dark.

Putting the trash in the trash can Jennie could swear that she saw a rat. "Ew!!" She yelped out running away from it and deeper into the dark alley.

"Can't we just kill him?"

Her ears couldn't believe what she just heard. Her curiosity getting the best of her she decided to follow the voices seeing two males. She couldn't hear them that well but her eyes lit up by one sentence:

"It is fucking hard to remove the bodies you kill!"

Jennie gasped to that but covered her mouth quickly with both of her hands. She was frozen on her spot. She couldn't move, her legs were useless. Jennie shook her head and tried to walk away as quiet as possible.

But the universe had better plans for her and let her walk against the trash can making it fall on the ground with a big noise.

Jennie cursed under her breath and turned around to see if the two men heard what happened.

"Hello young lady.." his deep voice spoke as he smirked at her. The two men were actually smirking dressing the girl off with their eyes. For a moment and only for a moment she stared at his features that made him so handsome. 'Not the Right time!' She thought

"I-I...I'm sorry I was l-lost for a second...I should go n-now" Jennie rambled nervously and turned her heel hoping they would just let her go but nope she thought wrong.

The man with the deep voice (and handsome features) held her wrist tightly making the girl wince in pain.
"P-please I will not tell a-anyone..I           p-promise" she spoke and her heart beat every second faster. She was scared for her life but still no tears came out.

The black haired man let a laugh out looking down at the helpless woman "you promise? How cute" he chuckled and for a moment Jennie thought she gained his sympathy but that thought vanished as his grip got tighter around her wrist.

"I do not give a single fuck about your promises.." he smiled like a psychopath. He pulled his gun out aiming it on her head. The tears were now streaming down on her chubby cheeks.

It was quiet for a moment. Jennie dared to open her eyes seeing that the shorter one rested his hand on the black haired man's shoulder telling him to stop.

The man with the deep voice turned his gaze back to Jennie. Looking at her for a long time..a little too long "You are lucky that we don't kill today" he spoke deeper than before which made Jennie shiver.

He moved closer to her ear "that doesn't mean we will let you free.." he pulled her to their black car. She wanted to scream for help but he was already a step ahead and covered her mouth with his hand.

Throwing her into the trunk of the car she tried to fight against it. He sighed annoyed and knocked her out. He drove them back to Agora's mansion.

Jimin's POV

"Was it that necessary to kidnap her?" Jimin breathed out looking at Taehyung who was driving.
Taehyung shrugged to his question "you said that Namjoon does not want any dead bodies today. She heard us talking about killing this dumbfucker"

Jimin knew that Taehyung made a point but the sentence Taehyung added grew him even more annoyed.

"She may be my fuck slave" Taehyung smiled at the shortie who was clearly disturbed but not surprised.

End of chapter 2☺️
What will happen with Jennie?
Is she really going to be his fuck slave?
Why was Lisa acting so weird when talking to Jennie?
So many questions..I guess you have to wait for the answers in the upcoming chapters😂

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