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"People don't always need advice. Sometimes all they really need is a hand to hold,
an ear to listen,
and a heart to understand them"

Jennie's POV

Sweat dripping, the coldness still made her shiver. Jennie woke up with a headache her eyes were still closed. There was this unexplainable pain Jennie felt on her wrists. The room was too dark, too quiet, what was happening?

It took her minutes to realize where the pain came from. Her wrists were tied up behind the chair she sat on. She was unable to get out of the ties nor being able to move. She was weak...she always was.

She screamed for help, for her life. But she was unheard. She felt so lonely. Her swollen eyes were ready to cry again

In that moment she thought of her best friend..Lisa.
She was always there for her. Comforting her when Jennie was sad.
Stood up for her when no one did.
Laughed with Jen and made her smile like no one else did.
Jennie sighed feeling a tint relieved that she was being abducted instead of Lisa.

12 years ago..

Jennie sat on one of the benches watching the other kids play around. She looked down at her little teddy, one of the only things that her father left before he left without a note or a goodbye.

Jennie noticed that the sun was gone and a shadow was hovering over her. She looked up seeing two girls who were a little older than her.

The devilish smile the two had which no children should have was making Jennie nervous and scared. Before she knew one of them spoke up "give it to me!"

Jennie was confused for a moment but soon knew what she meant after she saw how the girl pointed at her teddy. Jennie held closer onto it. She would not give it to anyone, she couldn't. It was too important to her.

The girls got angry and pulled the bear away making Jennie shout "No! please.." she begged them but it did not matter. They were not listening instead they enjoyed the hurt in Jennie's eyes.

The other girl pushed Jennie on the ground who tried to get her teddy back. Jennie began to cry but the girls could not care less. They played and pulled on it until they pulled on it too rough...

They threw the now two pieced teddy on jennies face running away with laughter and joy.

Jennie held the head of the teddy and the body of it trying to fix her once meaningful teddy...but it was impossible.

She cried her heart out..alone like usual until another shadow appeared. "Why are you crying?" The girl with braids asked. She didn't look Korean but sounded like one.

Jennie wiped her tears away and shook her head "I'm fine..." she responded, obviously lying.
"You don't look okay.." the girl mumbled "want a lolly?" She asked handing Jennie one.

Jennie hesitantly took it thanking the girl who had a big smile written on her face. "I'm Lisa!" She said playfully trying to cheer her up
"I'm J-Jennie.." she stuttered but smiled at her back.

And to this day they became inseparable friends..sisters..no, soulmates.

Current time / Taehyung's POV

"So you're telling me this annoying voice shouting from our basement is a girl who interrupted your work?" Yoongi asked with crossed arms looking at the younger man who sat on one of their couches.

Taehyung nodded taking a sip out of the glass of whiskey. "She saw and heard everything we were doing..Namjoon hyung decides if she can stay alive or not" Taehyung added looking at the pale man who is more dangerous than he looked.

Yoongi scoffed "You do realize that you're stupid actions made the situation worse right? Hearing a conversation is one thing, but being kidnapped and tied up is something else!" The older said being like jimin annoyed from the current situation.

Taehyung stood up from his seat now looking Yoongi in the eyes with a dead expression "chill..why are you getting mad? It is just another girl don't worry about it" he smirked leaving Yoongi alone in the living room.

Jennie's POV

Shouting for help was useless but when Jennie heard noises coming from the door she tried it once again "Hello?? Is somebody here? Please help me!" She screamed and the lights turned on making Jennie close her eyes because it was too bright.

"Can you shut up for a second?" The man said annoyed walking towards her. This time someone unknown came to see her. He had broad shoulder and plump lips.

"Please let me go...I'm no one special" Jennie sighed as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"I know but you saw our faces..so make yourself useful or else you gotta die" he said directly not giving her a single hope.

He came closer and walked behind the chair where she was tied to. Eventually he helped her so she wasn't tied up anymore. "You should eat" he spoke and gave her the plate with food on it.

Jennie was confused on why he helped her out of nowhere. "Why are you doing this?.." she asked quietly but able for him to hear it.

Jin shrugged "we are no monsters..besides that you remind me of someone" he smiled weakly and Jennie thought that she saw sadness in his eyes for a second before his expression turned cold. "Eat now he's coming soon"

Jennie tilted her head "who?" She asked the guy who was walking towards the door "you will see.." he answered and left locking the door. "Wait!" She shouted and tried opening the door..that was locked. She sighed falling on the ground.

5 years ago / Jin's POV

"Please help me!! Oppa I'm scared!" the girl shouted. He tried everything. He tried getting her out of the room. He tried saving her life...but he failed.

The fire was too much to handle.

End of Chapter 3☺️
Who is that girl Jin failed to help?
And who is Jennie going to see?
Why did her father left her?
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