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"It was the most painful type of loss.
Slowly melting away.
Making sure you burnt every last piece of my heart."

4 months later

Taehyung's POV

The music was so loud that it would make your skin tingle. The bass thumped in time with his heartbeat as though they were one, filling him and the others with music from head to toe.

The alcohol that burnt his throat by every sip gave him a feeling of warmth. He may was drunk but he didn't care. Life was a party so he enjoyed it as much as he could.

Taehyung's eyes met hazel ones, waiting for him to make the first move and he didn't wait. He walked up to her, grabbing her waist pulling her as close as possible to him.

They both danced to the music, their bodies became one until he was pulled away by someone familiar

"Jisoo! It's been a while, drink whatever you want it's on me!" He chuckled wanting to turn around so he could dance with the stranger again.

"V can we please talk outside you've been in this club longer than your actual home!" She tried to pull him with her out of the club but he didn't want to.

"Let go of me!" He shouted and the people around him were looking at the two.

"If you don't have anything important to say you should leave, this right here is my new home" he glared at her but Jisoo knew him too well. She knew that he was hurting on the inside. She knew that he was lying to himself.

He waited for her to say something but she didn't. He scoffed and shook his head wanting to walk to the bar to get a new drink.

"I think Jennie is alive!" She shouted making him stop walking.

"What did you say?" He couldn't believe his own ears.

She walked towards him and cringed by the scent of alcohol when she was near him.

"I said that Jennie might be alive and I know when we can meet her"

Jennie's POV

One more kick in the stomach and Jennie is going to win. Both Nayeon and Jennie were in the ring and trained. Jennie had two months of intense training and her mentor was non other than Lisa.

At first Jennie did not like the idea of hurting someone but she soon learned that it was the only way to survive and be able to go out. Her father didn't let her go out for 'safety reasons' that is why she wants to become strong in hope of going out and maybe seeing him again...

Nayeon tried to punch her in the face but she dodged it and kicked her knee making Nayeon fall down. This was Jennie's opportunity to get on top of her. She strangled her until Nayeon gave up.
Jennie won just like the other 43 fights she had in the last week.

She was one of the best fighters and shooters. She learned fast and a lot. It's like she was destined to become a mafia member.

Genora only accepts the best, anything below and you were gone or simply dead. That thirst to remain on top and making her father proud does things to someone.

"Jennie you never disappoint me" Lisa chuckled handing her a bottle of water. Jennie thanked her and drank of it.

"GD is coming back home tonight so take a shower and dress into something nice I think you've trained enough for today." Lisa suggested because Jennie wouldn't leave the gym until 3-4am.

"Okay I will, maybe I can convince him to let me go out for a mission" she smirked.

Taehyung's POV

"So you're trying to tell me that Genora's leader is a relative of Jennie? And that they cover her name as Ruby??" He asked confused. They were now in his office that he didn't been in for months.

Jisoo nodded even if it sounded crazy.
"I did some searching because I just had this feeling that she wasn't dead. I hacked into the camera system of Kai's house and you could see GD going into his house at 10:37 pm but he came out at 11:03. That was way too long for killing them and exploding his house..and the cameras captured this.."

Jisoo gave him a picture. The picture showed a woman walking into a car. Her scarf covered her face but Taehyung never forgot her mesmerizing eyes. "Jennie.." he mumbled still staring at the picture.

"You said we could meet her...how and where?" Taehyung asked finally looking up.

"There will be a masquerade ball with an auction tomorrow..that is a great time for GD to-"

"to steal the hope necklace I know..I just don't get why he wants it. Does he really think he is worthy enough to wear it? Doesn't he remember all the other men that tried to wear it died within the next 24 hours?" Taehyung scoffed.

"Yeah you're right but if he's actually the worthy one it would mean that he's going to be respected by every important men in the world. He's going to rule South Korea..we can't let that happen"

Taehyung nodded knowing how dangerous the necklace was.

"Fine, go and arrange a meeting in two hours we are going to talk about the auction and find a way to bring Jennie back" he waited for her to leave but she didn't move. "Anything else?" He raised a brow.

"Did you ever think about the possibility that Jennie might not want to come back? I mean she's safe there and GD is her real family don't you think-"

"Enough" he cut her off and the room was filled with silence. "We're going to find that out if we find her..any news about Lisa?

Jisoo looked down shaking her head
"No, I can't even track her down she's too good at hiding" Taehyung nodded sighing in annoyance and frustration.

Lisa. They thought that she was family. That they were her family. The only thing that Lisa left was a letter for Jungkook explaining that she is going to leave because she was a spy for Genora this whole time.

Jennie's POV

Jennie was in her room searching for a dress to wear. She was an elegant woman with class and style but she could fight and kill like a beast if you make her angry.

She waited for her father to come back from the airport and when he finally arrived she stood up and bowed. They ate dinner until she finally had the courage to ask him.

"I want to go to the masquerade ball. I want to have my first mission, I know that I'm ready" she spoke with confidence but she actually was scared of his response.

She wanted to explain herself more, trying to convince him but his answer surprised her.


The end of the chapter!
I was away for a long time because I thought my book wasn't good enough to continue but seeing you guys want updates boosted my confidence and creativity!
Taehyung finally found out that Jennie is not dead and now wants to meet her at the masquerade ball.
GD really wants the hope necklace will everything turn out good for him?

Women can't lead KTHxKJN TAENNIE ✓Where stories live. Discover now