Chapter 33

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Sorry for being so slow😂
So, we've been home from our honeymoon for a week. I've been getting really bad cramps in my stomach and my back. Almost like period cramps.. I made a doctor's appointment.

"Hello Mrs. Mahone! The results came back and nothing's wrong with the baby.." He said. I smiled. "But we can see the gender.. Do you want to know?" he asked. I smiled and nodded. "It's a boy!" He said. I smiled. A BOY!!

"Austin, babe. I'm back." I said. "What'd the doctor say??" He asked. "Nothing is wrong with the baby.. but i did find out the gender. " I said smirking. "WHAT IS IT?" He said excitedly. "It's a...." I said. "BABEEEEE." Austin begged. "It's a boy!" I giggled. "Are you serious?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "OMG YAY!" He said. He hugged me tightly and spun me around. I giggled.

I woke up about 3:45. Cramps.. They're worst.. I moved the cover to get up because it hurt bad. There was blood all over the bed. "AUSTIN." I panicked. "What?" He asked. "There's blood!" I said crying. He picked me up and carried me to the car.

Kylie and Kenleigh were staying at Michele's house.

"My wife, is 3 months pregnant, and she woke up with blood in the bed.." Austin said. The nurse nodded and got me a wheel chair. They rushed me into a room. I felt pain in my lower region. "What's your pain on a scale of 1-10?" The nurse asked. "11.." I said. She nodded. They started running tests on me and the baby.

I was laying in bed with Austin sitting in the chair next to me. "Mrs. Mahone?" The doctor asked. I nodded. "We got the results back.. I'm sorry... The baby didn't make it.. There was too much blood.." The doctor said. Tears rushed out of my eyes. I ruined Austin's chances of having a boy.. I ruined it all.. I cried. "It's okay. WE can try again.." Austin said soothing. I shook my head no. "Are you gonna leave me?" I asked. "What? No!" he said. "I ruined your chances of having a baby boy!" I said in tears. "Stop! I am not leaving you!" He said. I nodded.. This is so hard.. Loosing a baby isn't the easiest.

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