Chapter 49

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"I wanna see a medium." Austin blurted out. "What?" I laughed. "A medium.. You know.. That talks to the dead." He said. I laughed. "Oh yeah like the show Long Island Medium?" I asked. He nodded. "Let's go to her." He said. "What?" I asked. "Let's go see that woman." he said. "Okay." I said. 

We made it to Long Island. We didn't bring the girls. Well, we brought Kylie. She wanted to come so badly. "So, i just made the appointment." Austin said. I nodded. "When?" I asked. "3 hours." He said. I nodded. This should be interesting. 

"Hello, i am Theresa." The lady said. I smiled. "Hi, I'm Kendra. This is Austin and our daughter Kylie." I said. She smiled. "Beautiful family." She said. I smiled.

"Okay, so i have a older male stepping forward. A dad?" She asked. "My dad passed." Austin said. "Carter. I am getting a vibe.. His name is Carter." She said. Austin nodded. "He is with us know. And he wants me to tell you that you're doing a great job at being a husband and a father. And that he loves you." She said. Tear after tear fell down Austin's cheek. "I also understand a older woman? She keeps saying mema?" She said. Austin's face changed and he started full on crying. I wiped a few tears. I always loved Mema. She was so sweet! "She wants me to tell you, all the times you've been at concerts Austin when you whisper Dad? Mema? I did it! She has heard you. And she can't be more proud." She said. He smiled. "I also have another channeling me.. Um it relates to Kendra.." She said. "What is it?" I asked. "Have you had a misscarage?" She asked. "Yes." I said. "Your mother and father is stepping forward with your unborn child." She said. Tears fell. My mom and dad died? I last understood this when my grandma told me my mom was on drugs and my dad was a drinker. they died. "Your mom wants me to tell you she loves you even though she didn't get to see you grow into the woman you are today. She is proud of what you have become.. And your dad is proud of you also. He said your daughter is beautiful along with your other daughters."She said. I gasped and smiled.

"can i hug you?" I asked the medium. She giggled and hugged me. I took a picture with her. "Thank you so much." I said. "No problem!" She said. I smiled. I am glad she told me those things. 

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