Chapter 4 - "What is the Matrix?"

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"What is the Matrix? You said that i would have to see it for myself, but i still don't understand, what it is." Morpheus sighed. He looked at Neo. Bonnie looked at Morpheus and then Neo. They were the only three next to the table. "She deserves the truth you know. Even tho i freaked out when you told me, you should tell her. You promised her the truth."  Neo reminded, looking into his eyes. "I'll try to understand all this. I just need a chance."Bonnie stated. Morpheus looked at Neo and then Bonnie. "Follow me." Morpheus got up. Bonnie got up as well and followed Morpheus. Neo followed them close behind.

They moved to another part of the main deck. It had multiple chairs that had screens next to them. There was one special chair that had multiple screens in front of it and it looked more like an office chair. Bonnie looked at it confused. "That's where the operator sits." Morpheus explained while walking next to one of the multiple chairs. Bonnie turned to look at him. "Operator? For what?" "For entering the matrix." Tank said, sitting on the operators chair. Bonnie had focused on Morpheus and hadn't even noticed that Tank had sat there. 

Bonnie walked next to Morpheus and looked at the chair. "Sit down please." "Déjà vu.." Bonnie mumbled. "There will be no liquid mirrors this time, right?" Bonnie asked looking at the chair and then Morpheus. "No liquid this time." Neo chuckled. Neo helped Bonnie on the chair. "Thanks." She gave him a little smile. Neo just nodded in reponse. He locked Bonnie's feet onto a metallic footrest. Morpheus walked behind Bonnie and said. "This will feel a little weird the first time, so try to relax." He took a tiny metallic tube of some sort and blugged it in to the back of her neck. Bonnie heard a screech noice and she started screaming, but no voice came out. She closed her eyes.

Bonnie opened her eyes. She noticed that she was in a fully white room. She also quickly noticed her clothes were back to the way they were back when she met Trinity and the others. She touched her hair and noticed that it had grown back to the short bob hairstyle it was. Also the ports that were on her skin had disappeared. "How?? How is this possible?? And where are we?" "This is the loading program. You can load anything with it. And we are inside of A program, anything is possible here." Morpheus paused. "Matrix is a dreamworld built to keep us under control. All of it is fake. We woke you up to the real world. To sun it up, at somepoint in humanitys history, humans got into a war with the robots they had createn. Then the robots won. They needed us as their energy source so they started farming us and they turned us into these." Morpheus showed a small battery. "Tha...that cant be! It cant" Bonnie stuttered with her words. "Be real?" Morpheus looked at Bonnie. "It's sadly the truth. Im sorry Bonnie. I said it wouldn't be easy."  After a small moment of silence Bonnie stated. "I want out." Another moment passed. "Please i just want out of here!" She yelled as tears started to run down her face. 

Bonnie woke up in the real world and tried to get off the chair. Her legs were stuck and Neo and Dozer were keeping her down. Trinity opened the locks that kept Bonnie's legs down. Bonnie got up quickly and backed against one of the walls. "I need to think.. Please don't come closer!" Everone stayed silent, but they looked at her. "You need to calm down, Bonnie." Trinity said on a calm tone. "Everything is going to be alright." Neo tried to force a tiny smile. They both tried to calm her down. Bonnie decided to go to her room. She was scared and confused. She started running off into her room, then she closed the door behind her. She sat on her bed and hugged her knees while thinking. "It can't be real. Or can it?" "We should give her some time." Morpheus said. The others nodded understanding what she was going threw wasn't easy.

Bonnie was lieing on her bed. She had accepted the truth. It was all fake. Just like Morpheus had said to her. She heard a knock. "Come in" she mumbled. She was too tired and lazy to get up and open the doo herself. It was Neo. He sat next to her on the side of the bed. "Hi." Bonnie mumbled staring at the ceiling. "Hi." He looked at her and couldn't help but give her a little smile. Bonnie turned to look at him and asked. "Was i super over the top weird and dramatic?" He looked into her eyes for a moment and then he decided to say. "Well, when i had had that talk with Morpheus, i pukea and fainted when i got back to the real world. So in my point of view you didin't do too bad." She couldn't help but giggle. He smiled at her. "But honestly i understand how you are feeling. This all happened to me too not too long ago." She smiled at him. He understood. They continued chatting for a while. After Neo had left, Bonnie decided to go to sleep.

"Good morning, Bonnie." Trinity greeted. Bonnie walked into the tiny cafeteria. "So that snot for breaky?-" She asked. "Mhm.." Apoc nodded looking at his breakfast. Bonnie grabbed a serving and sat on one of the chairs next to the table. She sat between Neo and Trinity. "So you'll be starting training today?" Switch asked. "I think so." Bonnie said examining her breakfast. "She will be training with me." Neo stated before eating A spoon full of the 'snot'. "Ok, but don't go too hard on her ok?" Switch laughed. They all continued talking threw the breakfast. After washing the dishes it was time to start the training. 

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