Chapter 42 - Alyssiana

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Seyu woke up. She knew what she had to do. She got up, dressed in her red sweater and some pants and left. She stopped in front of Gem's door. She knocked. Gem shortly opened the door. She yawned. "Seyu? Why did you come here this early?" Gem asked rubbing her eyes. "I need to see Alyssiana again." "That girl that help you guys on getting the Keymaker to safety?" "Yup." Gem sighed. "You know we would needs Tulip's permission for using the ship, right?" "I totally forgot.. Shoot! Well i could ask her." "Alright come back when you know the answer." Gem closed her door and Seyu left to ask Tulip.

Jinx had not slept well. She stared at the wall. She was thinking about what Neo would see at this mystical Source. Would he come back? Would it all be a trick? Would they all die?

Seyu was getting plugged in. Tulip had gotten up and come to the ship as well. "Alright she's in." Gem said as she quickly looked at Seyu. She appeared on a street. It seemed almost fully quiet. She walked looked around. Then Alyssiana walked from the shadows. "I.. I missed you!" Seyu ran to her and hugged her. Alyssiana was stunned at first but hugged back. "You need to come with me.. Please." Seyu begged looking at Alyssiana's red eyes. "I will come with you but i say for sure that it wont work." Seyu didn't want to ask what she ment and started dragging her. She flipped her phone open. "I'm going to need a red pill and some help."

"Alright so, if you want to come with me then take the red pill." Alyssiana looked at Seyu and then took the small red pill. She took a glass of water and drank the pill down with the water. "It wont work Seyu.." Alyssiana repeated calmly. "Of course it will!" Tulip was next to a computer. Alyssiana sat down on a chair. "Seyu.." "It's gonna work." Alyssiana touched the cracked mirror and the goo got stuck to her hand. "SE... SEYU! IT WON'T WORK!" Alyssiana yelled, now afraid. "Why wouldn't it?!" "Because.." The goo covered her body. Only part that was left was her head. "BECAUSE I WAS AN AGENT!" She got covered in goo. Seyu covered her mouth with her hands.

Seyu and Tulip got unplugged. They flew the ship above the waters. "So she is a program?" Gem asked. Seyu nodded. "How do we know if she makes it?" "We don't.. We just wait and see." Tulip said looking at Gem. Minutes ticked by but nothing happened. Was she truly gone?

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