Chapter 14 - Too many Smiths

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(Quick Authors note before this chapter. This is Neo's side of what happened in the last chapter after Smith broke down the door. So this chapter will be just Neo and Smith talking and fighting. Also the song above is highly recommended for reading. I personally like it and listened to it on repeat while writing the chapter. Also also sorry if its a little short. I will make the next one longer. Without further ado lets get into the chapter.)

"Go before he breaks down the door."

Neo was facing the door ready for Smith to enter. The door fell down and three Smiths stepped in. "Mr. Anderson. We didn't excpect encountering you here.." The Smith on the middle spoke staring at Neo. Neo excpected that he was the original Smith. Neo got his sunglasses from his pocket and gently put them on. "Well sadly i am everything that is left here." "We are looking for mrs. Harris. Have you by any chance seen her?" "You aren't going to lay a finger on Roxy or Jinx. Not on my watch." "We shall see about that." 

The original Smith attacked. The other two followed soon behind. Neo dodged their hits and laid couple hits on him. The Smiths laid couple of hits on him aswell. There were more flooding in. Neo hoped that his distraction was solid. And from his point of view it was. He got his guns and tried to shoot couple, but they dodged. He showed them back and decided to keep punching and kicking them. He kept hitting Smiths until, the original Smith punched Neo in the face. He punched him back. One of the Smiths was able to push his hand into his chest.

Neo gasped for air. He felt like he was dying. The black goo started spreading. It spreaded to his back and from there on his neck. But then suddenly the goo stopped. The Smith in front of Neo looked at him and then back at his own hand confused. Neo was able to rip the Smith's hand from his chest and kick him back. More Smiths were flooding in. The house was now full of Smiths.

After a good while of fighting, there was a loud voice of a car engine turning on and it startled everyone. By the sudden distraction the Smiths were able to throw Neo againts one of the walls. After Neo had fell down on the floor the Smiths quickly started piling up on him before he got a chance to get up. He was left under all the Smiths. Except for one. He felt a light sting in his arm. Neo pushed threw throwing all the Smiths back. 

He landed down on the wooden floor and noticed that his arm was still hurting. But it wasn't because of a cut or a bullet wound. It was because of a syringe. He quickly pulled it from his arm and dropped it on the floor. "What the.." He felt himself stumbling. His vision was getting blurry and dark. As he fell down, his eyes shot up at the original Smith. "Wh.. What is this..? What d..did you do to me..?" "What is it mr. Anderson?  Never been drugged before?" Neo lashed out in anger and tried to hit him, but stumbled back by the effects kicking in. He fell back down on the floor. He held his forehead on his hands. He tried to stay awake. The room kept getting darker and darker. The original Smith chuckled at him. He felt his eyelids become heavy. Before fully blacking out, Neo felt Smith leaning down at him and saying. "Nighty-night mr. Anderson." 

The Smiths looked down at him. The drug had done it's job. "Three times the normal dose has seem to done it." The Smith who had had the syringe informed. "Excellent. Now we just need to get him to our base and carry on with the plan." The original Smith said as he straightened his back. He stared down at Neo an evil grin forming on his face. 

(Another authors note. I know that Neo probably can't be drugged as the one, but i kinda need it for the plot. 😅 Hope you guys enjoyed.)

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