Chapter 43 - "Just one more minute."

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(Already used the picture in my other story but i love it too much to no put here..)

Minutes ticked by. "I think we should head back to Zion." Gem said before she yawned. "Just one more minute, please." Seyu begged. "Just one more minute." Tulip answered. Seyu knew she wouldn't come but she believed. "Alright i'm read-" A sudden splash of the water made the trio look outside. "It's her!" Seyu squealed. The claw soon enough picked up the unconscious girl. She was laid down on a bed in the ships medical room. "We need to get her to Zion quick! She is having problems adjusting to her own body." Tulip rushed out of the room to drive the ship away. Seyu looked at Alyssiana. "Hold on.. We are going to make it."

"You seem to be fine. The baby seems healthy" The nurse insured Jinx. "Thank you very much. I just haven't ever been pregnant before and i feel terrible all the times. "Understandable. I think we haven't met before. My name is Zara." The young blond haired woman introduced herself. "Nice to meet you, Zara." Jinx smiled. "Nice to meet you too."

The doors were flung open. Jinx and Zara quickly turned around. "We need help!" Seyu said carrying Alyssiana. Gem and Tulip were holding the doors open. Seyu carried Alyssiana on the table. "God.. What happened?" "We woke her up and she has problem adjusting to her own body." Gem explained quickly. "I.. i haven't seen anything like this before, i will go get the other nurses and doctors." Zara said before she left in a hurry.

Soon she returned with couple other nurses and a doctor. "We will try to do our best. All of you need to get out for now." The tall doctor informed. "No.." Seyu cried quietly. Gem and Tulip took her away before she could resist. "Will she be alright?" Zara asked. "I don't know.. I have never encountered something like this, it's like something took over this body.. Like an agent takes over a body inside the matrix.. but she is taken over in this world." The tall doctor answered. "The problem seems to be that we don't know which person is the correct one." The tall doctor adjusted his glows. "So we wont know which one takes control when we help her?" Zara asked. "It seems to be so."

A day went by. In the morning Seyu, Jinx, Roxy and Nara returned. "It's going to be alright. She seems like a fighter." Nara patted Seyu on the back gently. "I hope so." Seyu answered. Jinx cursed under her breath. "Is something wrong?" Roxy asked making Nara and Seyu look at her. "I.. i'm gonna need a minute." Jinx said before she slowly slid against the wall, down on the floor. "Is it the baby?" Roxy asked as she kneeled in front of Jinx. She nodded. "I'm gonna be alright.. You guys should go see how Alyssiana is doing. Ill stay behind." Jinx said her voice broke slightly at the end. "No.. We can't leave you." Seyu answered looking at her friend. Jinx sighed and slowly started to get up. Her pain still awful but she would keep going, for her friends.

Alyssiana started blinking her eyes. The light was so bright, that opening her eyes took her couple of minutes. Alyssiana noticed the face of Seyu. Her hair was fully black. It had no red stripes. "Am i in the source? Did i get replaced?" Alyssiana asked her russian accent still as thick as before. "No.. Welcome to the real world. Also green eyes suit you." Seyu smiled. "You should rest. Eventho they have already built your muscles. The Zion's tech is just truly incredible." Alyssiana slowly drifted back to sleep.

There was a knock on Timothee's door. "Come on in." Timothee said on his usual calm voice. "Hi big bro!" Kitty ran to hug her big brother from behind. "Whatcha working on?" Kitty smiled widely. "The same as usual. Look, i am so close to figuring out how to make wheat seeds." Kitty peeked over her big brothers shoulder. "When will u figure out carrot seeds?" Kitty asked. "You'd really like that, wouldn't you?" Timothee chuckled and turned around on his chair. The two hugged. 

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