Chapter 23 - Date

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(Neo's outfit for the date above)

(Neo's outfit for the date above)

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(Jinx's outfit for the date)

Jinx opened her eyes and noticed that her clother were diffrent. She was wearing a pastel blue dress and a pair of high heels. She also had a bag that had a phone and a pistol in it. (Just in case..) She looked to her side to find Neo wearing a fancy black suit. It was rare to see him without his sunglasses on, in the matrix. Soon after that, Jinx payed attention to her surroundings and noticed that they were on an empty sidewalk. "Ur looking great, hot shot." "So are you, m'lady." Neo said looking at her dress. "So what do you have planned?" Jinx asked smiling and making eye contact. "For starters, we will go eat in a fancy restaurant that is close by. That is all i'm gonna tell you for now." Neo said smirking. "Also, we should use our 'real' names, so that we don't draw attention." Neo said. "Alrighty then." "Do you remember my 'real' name?" "Mhm." Jinx nodded as they walked down the quiet sidewalk.

Neo and Jinx finally arrived at the fancy restaurant. After getting a table Jinx started looking threw the menu interested. "Hmm.. What are you going to get?" Jinx asked quickly lifting her gaze from her menu. "I thought about getting the steak." "Sounds good. I'm not sure about what i should get." After a moment of silence Jinx decided to order the roasted salmon. The waiter walked to their side and took their orders. "And what would you two like to drink?" The waiter asked. "I think i would just simply like some water. How about you, Thomas?" "I think i would like some water as well. Thank you for asking, Bonnie." The waiter nodded and took the menus. Then he headed to the kitchen. "You really did remember." Neo said grinning. "Mhm." Jinx said.

After a while of chatting the waiter came back and gave them their orders. He then walked back to the kitchen. "Wow.. This looks so good." Jinx said admiring her dish. "So does your steak." She said looking at his dish. "True." The fact that the dish wasn't real didn't matter. Tonight it was real. Tonight the whole matrix was real. 

After finishing their dishs and paying Jinx and Neo walked to the side walk. "So. What's next?" Jinx asked looking at him. "Follow me." Neo ordered. His tone wasn't strict it was more kind or excited. They got on a dark alley. "What are we doing here?" She asked. Neo got closer and wrapped his other hand behind Jinx's lower back. Jinx held on him tight. She knew what was going to happen next. "Hold on tight." Neo said.

And in no time Jinx and Neo were soaring through the sky. Jinx felt the air hitting her face. It was amazing. They flew threw the clouds until Neo started to face down. They were going to land. They landed on a grassy field that was right on the border of the city. The sun was setting. They sat on the grassy field. Jinx looked at the sun setting. She was starteled by music. 

There was a small tape recorder that was playing the song. "You remembered." Jinx said smiling. "Of course i remembered." Jinx let her head rest on Neo's shoulder as they watched the sunset together. She felt Neo plant a small kiss on the top of her head. Soon the sun disappeared and the stars took over the sky. "They are so beautiful." Jinx said looking up at the stars. "Well they can't compete with your beauty." Neo said still looking up at them. Jinx chuckled. "Thank you, handsome. That line is such a cliché." Jinx said smirking at Neo. He grinned at her amused. Jinx leaned closer and kissed him. He held her lower back and with his other hand he stroked her hair. 

After the kiss Neo decided to ask something. "Will you do me the honor of being your boyfriend?" "Yes. Of course!" Jinx said smiling brightly. She then hugged him. The song still played in the backround. They kissed again. It was a passionate kiss. After they broke the kiss Jinx said. "I think we should get out of here." She was still smiling. Neo took his phone from his pocket and dialed in the operators number. "Tank can you get us out of here?" After Tank had gave him the location of the phone, Neo closed his phone and then grabbed Jinx by her waist. "Hold on tight." He said once again, before they were soaring through the starry sky. 

Soon they landed in front of a phone store. They walked in and Jinx anwsered the phone. She woke up on the Nebuchadnezzar. Tank unplugged her and soon Neo woke up beside her. He got unplugged as well. "So you two are together now?" Tank asked. "Yes. Yes we are." Jinx said smiling and holding Neo's hand. "So when are you two going to tell the rest of the crew? I will keep this a secret as long as you want me to but they will find out at some point." "We will tell the others when the right time comes." Neo said. His facial expression was blank. "Well, i'll head to bed. Good night Tank." Jinx said smiling as she started to make her way back to her room. "I think i will go too. Good night." Neo said before following Jinx back to their shared room.

(I had so much fun writing this chapter! I have been waiting for their first date for SO long. But ya. I hope you guys like them as a couple. I have been shipping them ever since the start of this fanfic. And i'm sorry if this chapter was too boring/too cheesy. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.)

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