Chapter 6 - Focus

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(Authors note: Merry christmas everyone! ^-^ I'm really late tho XD also happy new year and im early on that one. Ill quickly need to ad to the story that Smith never exploded, like in the film. Neo just kicked his butt or smthing, also sorry that this one was so short ;-; I watched the Avengers yesterday and my head was filled with Loki. Ill make the next one longer. Ok ill finally jump to the story.)

Bonnie quickly dodged Smith. "Freeze image." Neo said looking at Bonnie's reactiom. " wasn't real Smith?" "Mhm." Neo nodded examining the program with his gaze. "But that is why you need to focus. You don't want to end up dead." Neo said. He remembered how Smith had killed him and he zoned out for a moment. He saw himself leap and go inside of Smith and explode him from inside. It was a vision. "Are you ok, Neo?" Bonnie asked walking a little closer. "Oh yes i'm ok. Let's get some lunch." They got out of the training program.

After the lunch Bonnie wen't threw some papers. She was trying to figure out why Smith was after her. Morpheus also tried to figure that out but right now he had bigger things to worry about. Neo sat next to Morpheus who was next to the table. "I need to visit the oracle." Neo said looking at Morpheus.

Neo got blugged in. He needed to know what that vision had meant. He walked down a street. It was an evening so the only things lighting it up were the streetlights. He was almost there, but then he noticed a dark figure in the end of the street. It was a man. "Mr. Anderson."  The man said. Neo recognized his voice. "I dont have time for this Smith." Smith walked closer. He said. "We need Mrs. Allen. So if you bring her over i will spear your life for now." "Never!" Neo growled. Smith grinned devilishly at him. "I hoped you'd say that." He walked closer and started punching him, but Neo dodged with ease. They exchanged punches. He realised what he would need to do. Neo backed away and started running. Then he leaped inside of Smith and exploded him from the inside. He took couple of deep breaths. It made sence now. He leaned against one of the walls for a moment. He got out of the matrix.

It was evening. Bonnie was eating dinner with others. She looked down at her food. "I think i killed Smith." Neo said and grabbed a serving before he sat next to Bonnie. Bonnie looked at him. "Really?" "Mhm." Neo nodded looking down at his food. Bonnie finished her room and walked to her room. 

"It's time to take Bonnie to see the oracle." Morpheus informed sitting next to the table. Neo nodded and as soon as he was finished he went to go to speak with Bonnie.

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