Chapter 47 - Mobil ave

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Jinx was sitting next to Neo. The Somnium had quickly delivered the crew to Zion. Sophie was sleeping peacefully. "Thought you could use something to eat." Zara smiled at Jinx. She was holding a tray of food. "Thank you." Jinx smiled slightly and took the tray. "Any change?" Zara asked walking to one of the screens. "Sadly no." After a moment of silence Zara spoke again. "This is what keeps bothering me." "What is it?" Jinx asked turning to look at the screen. "His neural patterns don't read like someone who's in a coma. The strange thing is, I have seen these patterns before." "Where exactly have you seen them?" Jinx asked looking at the patterns. They looked familiar to her. "When someone had been jacked in."

"So we should visit the Oracle?" Morpheus asked very confused. "Mhm.. She could have some answers. It seems like Neo isn't in a coma.. See?" Morpheus looked at the stats. "Indeed.. We will have to take someone with us.. I'll ask if Trinity could come." Morpheus said. "Alright i'll get ready." "No, no.. You can't come." Morpheus looked at Jinx. "And why not?" Jinx snapped. "You were pregnant.. You have a baby for crying out loud." "I can ask if Seyu could babysit Sophie.. She is one of Sophie's aunts after all."

"Can you babysit Sophie please?" Jinx begged. "Sure. I'm sort of keeping an eye on Alyssiana in case her state changes." "Thank you so much.. You have no clue how much that means.."

Neo slowly opened his eyes and saw a little girl. "Good morning." "Who are you?" Neo asked. He sat up to face her properly. "My name is Sati. Your name is Neo. My papa says you're not supposed to be here. He says you must be lost. Are you lost, Neo?" The little girl asked. "Where exactly am i ?" Neo got up and brushed some dirt off of his clothes. He was wearing a black suit. He looked around and saw a sign that said 'Mobil Ave'. "This is the train station." "This isn't the Matrix?" "That's where the Train goes. That's where we're going. But you cannot go with us." "Why not?" Neo asked. "He won't let you." "Who won't let me?" "The Trainman."

Morpheus, Jinx and Trinity arrived at their destination. Morpheus and Jinx walked inside and took the elevator up. When they got in the Oracle's apartment they opened the door and walked to the kitchen. A woman was sitting on a chair. She looked similar to the Oracle. "Morpheus, Jinx. Thank you for coming. One thing I've learned in all my years is that nothing ever works out just the way you want it to." "Who are you exactly?" Jinx asked looking at the woman.

"I'm the Oracle. I wish there was an easier way to get through this but there ain't. I'm sorry this had to happen. I'm sorry I couldn't be sitting here like you remember me. But it wasn't meant to be." "What happened?" Jinx asked. "I made a choice, and that choice cost me more than I wanted it to." "What choice?" Morpheus joined the conversation with his own question. " To help you to guide Neo. Now, since the real test for any choice is having to make the same choice again, knowing full well what it might cost – I guess I feel pretty good about that choice, 'cause here I am, at it again." The Oracle explained.

"Do you know what happened to him?" " Yes. He's trapped in a place between this world and the machine world. The link is controlled by a program called the Trainman. He uses it to smuggle programs in and out of the Matrix. If he finds out where Neo is before you get to him, then I'm afraid our choices are going to become difficult." "Why?" "Because of who the Trainman works for." "The Merovingian.."

Seyu looked at the small baby. She liked that Jinx trusted her with a mission. Suddenly she heard alarms going off.. The Sentinels were coming. They were going to destroy the city. Alyssiana ran from the small kitchen to Seyu. "You need to stay with the baby.. I'll go help the others." Alyssiana commanded. "No.. I can't let you go alone.." "Why?" "Because.. I love you Alyssiana.." Suddenly Alyssiana took Seyu by her waist and pulled her close to a deep passionate kiss. "I need to go.." Alyssiana hurried to the door after letting go of Seyu. "I'll ask Kitty to babysit Sophie.. She owes me one. And she is too young to go out there.." "True."

After Jinx had 'persuaded' with The Merovingian to get Neo back, they went to get him from the train station. "Neo!" Jinx ran to him and kissed him. "I was so scared i'd lose you.." Jinx cried. "It's alright.. I'm alright." Neo assured. "I think i know what i need to do.." Neo said.

The crew was making their way back into the matrix and from there to an apartment that was close to the station, it had a phone. Neo had had a lot of time to think. He was pretty sure he needed to go to the machine city and somehow turn off the main power.. Perhaps somehow unplugging all the humans.

"It's done! I've created a seed! If i make bunch of these we can start growing wheat. "That is amazing!" Kitty squealed. There was a knock "Ya?" Kitty opened the door. "Kitty you owe me one so take care of Sophie. Timothee you are needed.. The Sentinels are coming.."

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