Chapter 5 - Training

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"So you're the one?" Bonnie asked. The two were making their way to the main deck. "Mhm." Neo nodded. "Well, How can i defeat you then? I don't know how to fight." Bonnie asked looking at Neo. "Oh wait.. They haven't loaded fighting styles into you?" Neo asked turning to look at her. "Say what!?!" Bonnie gasped. They arrived on the main deck. "Sit on that chair please." Neo requested. "Ill be right back." Bonnie sat there and waited. She had one of those fights by herself. "He is hot." "No he isn't stop."

About five minutes later Neo returned with Tank. "Ok so you need to learn stuff. Lets do this. First Kungfu." Tank said sitting on the operators chair. Neo blugged the metallic tube in again and suddenly Bonnie felt like her brains stopped. Her eyes closed. After a moment she was able to open them and  her brains started working again. Bonnie felt weird. "What was that? The loading process? I know Kung fu now?" "Mhm." Tank nodded going threw more of the disks. 

Couple of hours passed and Bonnie got lot of diffrent fighting styles loaded into her mind. Neo, who was standing there waiting said finally. "It's time for training. You can load more in later." Neo and Bonnie both got blugged in. Immediately Bonnie noticed the change in clothing. She noticed that Neo's clothes also changed. "This is the training program. We will be sparring here today. We will train privately, so no pressure." Neo said looking at the distressed girl. "And now hit me." Bonnie started hitting Neo but he dodged the hits and laid couple of hits on her. She knew he was going easy on her but he was too fast even then. She tried to get some hits on him but she couldn't. "Hit me." He said dodging one of Bonnie's attempts of hitting him. "You will succeed when you stop trying to hit me and actually hit me."  Neo said. "I'm trying!" Bonnie said annoyed.. "I sound just like Morpheus don't i?" Neo thought dodging one of Bonnie's hits. "You're too darn fast and you hit harder than me." 

"This is all happening inside a program remember? You could even lift me if you tried." "Oh yeah? Well why don't we try that then?" Neo smirked and nodded. Bonnie came closer. "Don't hug him.. Don't hug him.." "Remember this isn't real. It's just a simulation and anything is possible." She tried to lift him. But he just stayed there. She tried to focus on the thought that this all wasn't real. It was all an illusion. She tried again and then Neo rose few cents off from the ground. "HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE??" She accidentally dropped Neo who started floating.

Neo quickly landed. "Sorry!" Bonnie apologized hurriedly but went on to ask. "You can float?!? Can you fly aswell??" He laughed a little and said. "Well, it dosen't matter right now. We can talk about it later." After a moment of pure silence, Bonnie attacked once again. She finaly landed a hit. She gasped in pure joy. "I DID IT!" Neo swept her legs and she fell on her back. "Aww man.. I talk too much?" Bonnie let out a chuckle. "Yup." Neo nodded leaning over and looking down at her. Bonnie swept his feet and he fell on her. "WHY DID I JUST DO THAT?!? I'm an idiot.." She thought looking into his adorable hazel eyes. Their faces were just couple cents from each other. It was a little awkward. Neo kept himself from falling fully onto Bonnie and Bonnie kept herself from giving him a big hug or.. a kiss. Soon Neo got up and helped Bonnie up. "Shall we continue?" He asked. "Mhm.." They continued sparring for couple of hours. She slowly started laying some hits on him. He was going easy on her but she wasn't doing too bad for her first time. 

The sparring was over. "So where to next?" Bonnie asked looking at Neo. "I think i love him." She thought looking around the hall. "No you can't love him. You two just met like couple days ago.. Also he would never love you back." She was fighting with herself. "To the jump program." He crabbed a phone from his pocket and said into it. "Tank will you load us in the jump program?" Soon after that everything around them changed. Bonnie's clothes turned to a black shirt with some decorations on the back and pair of blueish jeans and Neo had on a pair of sunglasses and the black long coat that he had when they met. They were up on a roof top. "I really don't like hights. What are we doing here exactly?" "Like i said it's the jump program. Ok, so i'll show you what you need to do and you copy." "Ok." She said and  watched as Neo walked back and jumped on the other roof of the other tall building. 

"How is that even possible??" Bonnie asked from herself. "Jump over here! Remember it's not real, its just a program!!" Neo called out to Bonnie. "Ok i can do this." She stood on the edge and looked down. "I can't do this.. I can't do this.." "You got this!" Neo called from the other side. She closed her eyes and backed against the wall. Then she started to sprint and on the edge she jumped. "I can do this!" She started to fall down, quickly. "I CAN'T DO THIS! HELP ME, NEO PLEASE!!" She screamed. She could almost feel the ground when suddenly a pakr of arms caught her. "Got you." Neo said smiling to himself. "God.. he is good looking." Bonnie thought. "Stop thinking that he is good looking. You met him like two days ago." He flew on top of the other tall building and laid her on the ground. "So you can fly!" She smiled. "Mhm. It's not a secret." He said looking at her. 

He grabbed the phone and talked into it again. "Tank, please load the last program." "Is it matrix!?!" Bonnie asked in shock. They loaded into the last program. They started walking on a street. "The matrix is a dangerous place Bonnie. Filled with agents. Always be aware of your surroundings. And remember to focuse.." He continued talking but Bonnie looked around. She didn't focuse on Neo. "A woman in a red dress.. Neat." She thought. "Were you listening to me Bonnie? Or were you looking at the woman in a red dress? Look again." Neo said and thought. "Gosh i really do sound like Morpheus, don't i?" Bonnie turned around and saw Agent Smith pointing a gun at her head. 

(Authors note: This fanfic is also highly motivated by Only human by KatieWeasley394. I read it not too long ago and i loved it. I recommend reading it!!)

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