Chapter 40 - "It's just a kiss."

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(Quick thank you to meowcook for the votes! Also, i've reached my goal. We made it to chapter 10! I will write more chapters but i'm happy we could make it this far. Thank you for all the comment, reads and votes! Ok that's all. Now the 40th chapter.)

"A kiss? From Neo?" Jinx asked offended. "I want you to kiss me as if you were kissing her." Persephone said glancing at Jinx. "Why?" Neo asked staring at Persephone. "You love her. She loves you. It's all over you both. A long time ago, I knew what that felt like. I want to remember it. I want to sample it. That's all, just a sample." Persephone said inching little closer. "Why don't you sample this instead?" Jinx asked, pointing a gun at her. "Jinx." Morpheus commanded. Jinx put her gun away but still stared at Persephone with anger. "Such emotion over something so small. It's just a kiss." Persephone said first looking at Jinx and then she turned to look at Neo. "Why should we trust you?" Neo asked. "If I don't deliver you to the Keymaker, she can kill me." Persephone pointed at Jinx but held eye contact with Neo. " All right." Neo said about to inch closer. "But you have to make me believe I am her." Persephone informed." "All right." Neo repeated with a soft sigh. He slowly walked close and kissed her.

The kiss held no emotion. Jinx forced herself to look away. Her blood was boiling. In seconds the kiss was over. "Terrible. Forget it." Persephone turned around grabbed her bag and she was about to leave. "Wait." Neo stopped her. Neo slowly took off his glasses. "Okay." Persephone slowly walked closer. And Neo walked closer to her. He closed his eyes and slowly they both leaned into a kiss. Neo held Persephone's upper back. Jinx clenched her jaw. Slowly they broke the kiss. "Ahh, yes. That's it." Persephone said. She looked at Jinx with jealousy. "I envy you. But such a thing is not meant to last." She walked past them. Jinx had an 'Are you sure about that?' look on her face. "Come with me."

Persephone led them threw a huge fancy lobby. Some workers payed attention to her. Persephine led them in front of a wooden door. There was a guard. Persephone took a gun from her bag and held it against the guard's forehead. " You can either run to the restaurant and tell my husband that i have brought 'the one' to the keymaker or you can stay there and die." The guard looked at Persephone terrified. He moved aside and started to run. "He is in the ladies room!" Persephone yelled to the guard.

Neo opened the wooden door. "My name is Neo" He introduced himself. "Yes, I'm the Keymaker, I've been waiting for you." The Keymaker said. He took a key that he had just finished making. They walked back to a huge lobby like room and Merovingian came threw a door with some of his henchmen. "Oh God, my God, Persephone how could you do this, you betrayed me." He then started cursing in french. "Cause and effect, my love." Persephone said with a playful smirk. "Cause? There is no cause for this, what cause?" "What cause? How about the lipstick you're still wearing?" "Lipstick?" The Merovingian swept over his lips with his arm. "Lipstick? What craziness you are talking about woman, there is no lipstick." "She wasn't kissing your face, my love." " Ai-ai-ai-ai-ai-ai, woman, this is nothing, c'est rien, c'est rien du tout. It's a game, it is only a game." "So is this. Have fun." Persephone said as she left threw the doors the Merovingian had walked threw.

"All right. All right. Let us find out where this goes. You two, get the Keymaker." The two white haired men who were seemingly twins turned see threw. They looked like ghosts. "Impressive." Jinx mumbled to herself. "I cannot go back." The Keymaker said in pure panic. He took one of his keys and ran threw the door behind him. He left the door open. Jinx was about to run after him. "I'll handle them." Neo insured to Jinx and Morpheus. Jinx nodded quickly before she ran after the Keymaker and Morpheus. She closed the door. "Handle us? You'll handle us? You know, your predecessors had much more respect."

Loki sighed. "We should leave.." He whined. "L-" Tulip started but her sentence was cut short by the doors pursting open. A man ran threw onto the street. Then two men with white hair. Then Morpheus and Jinx. "He Is ThE kEyMaKeR!" Jinx yelled as she ran past them. Seyu, Loki, Tulip, Trinity and Timothee started running after them.

Jinx and Morpheus were very close to the twins. Suddenly at the front a woman with black hair and red eyes ran to the middle of the street and started fighting one of the twins. "Thank you!" Jinx yelled at the woman as she ran past her.

Seyu noticed the black coat and recognized it. She stopped to help that woman fight the white haired man.

Jinx was running as fast as she could. She suddenly started getting terrible cramps. She had to slow down. Morpheus sped past her. "Are you ok?" Trinity asked as she stopped next to her. "I'm going to be fine. I just need a small break." She held her hands on her stomach. "Take calm breaths." Trinity advised. "I need to go after the Keymaker-." "Shh.. It's ok. Everything is going to be alright. Morpheus has probably almost caught him.."

"Tank where am i?" Neo asked holding a phone. "You're not gonna believe this, but you're all the way up in the mountains." Tank said into the phone. "Really." Neo asked sarcastically as he stared at the mountains that stood at the distance. "It's gonna take me a while to get up an exit. Oh shoot." "What?" "Those Twin things are after the Keymaker.. And they are catching up pretty fast." "Where is he?" "Middle of the City, 500 miles due south." "Thank you." Neo quickly flipped the phone shut and stuffed it in his pocket before he started flying south.

Seyu and the black haired woman were able to knock out the twin. "Am i just having a massive Déjà-vu or did we pump into each other earlier? I'm Seyu" Seyu introduced herself to this strange woman. "Alyssiana." The woman named Alyssiana had a thicc Russian accent Seyu had not excpected. "Are you from aboard one of the ships?" "No.." Alyssiana informed taking a quick glance down at the twin. He had disappeared. Alyssiana started running. So did Seyu.


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Jinx looked up at the cloud filled sky. She noticed Neo flying past probably to get the Keymaker. "See? The Keymaker will be alright. Now, we should get you out of here." Trinity helped Jinx up. Jinx took her phone. "Tank can you get us out of here?" "Mhm.. Not too far from you there is a gas station. Go there." "Alright thank you." Jinx saw how Neo flew the Keymaker and Morpheus to a safe place.

"You should come with us. You were good at fighting and.. And there is so much for you to know!" Seyu looked at Alyssiana with high hopes. "I'm sorry.. I can't." "Wh-." Alyssiana slowly lifted her finger on Seyu's lips to silence her. "But our paths will cross again. I promise you." Seyu nodded slowly. Her eyes lighted up slightly.

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