Chapter 11 - Zion

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Neo and Jinx just stood there staring into each others souls for a moment. They both stayed  silent. Then Neo turned ready to leave. "Wait." Jinx said grabing the sleeve of his sweater. "What am i doing?" She thought. "What's up?" Neo asked as he looked at Jinx. "I don't really want to be alone. Could you keep me company?" Jinx asked on a vunerable tone. Neo nodded slightly.  

Jinx and Neo had sat down on the side of the bed. "How did you know that the agents were coming?" Jinx asked she stared at him. "Well, i just kinda had this weird feeling inside of me that something was.. off." Jinx looked at him interested by his anwser. "Interesting.." She muttered. "Why do you ask?" Neo asked while locking his gaze on her. "I was just interested." She anwsered. She sighed and leaned against him. She felt how Neo tensed up at her leaning against him. He hadn't seen it coming. It made her smile slightly. She let out another small sigh as her eyes closed. "Why are you always so kind to me?" "Because it would be rude not to and i don't want to be rude to anyone." Neo said slightly relaxing. Jinx found all this so adorable.

They stayed like that for a moment. Just listening to the silence and each others breathing. Then someone knocked on the door. Jinx quickly sat straight and Neo got up. "Come on in." Jinx called out quickly. It was Tank. "We are here." He said smiling. "Thank you for informing, Tank." Neo said on his usual voice. "No problem." Tank said as he backed away from the door giving them space to come out. Jinx got up and walked out. Neo followed right behind her.

They collected some stuff and then walked out of the ship. The place was huge. Jinx found herself gasping at the view. She had never seen anything like this. There were multiple metal bridges leading to houses and other places. Looking around was all she wanted to do but she knew they did not have time for that right now. Maybe later. "Hello Morpheus." "Hello Lock." Jinx guessed by the tones of their voices that they weren't in good terms. 

"I see you have freed another person from the matrix." Lock said as he glared at Jinx. "My name is Bonnie Allen. But you can call me Jinx." She said as she stepped closer offering her hand. Lock ignored it. "My name is Jason Lock." Lock's voice was really full of himself. Morpheus had a Here we go again-look on his face, that soon enough disappeared. Lock continued. "And i am commander of Zion's forces." "It is really nice to meet you." "We should go to the living levels to find our places to stay." Morpheus informed. "Tank. I want the ship ready to leave as soon as possible." Morpheus commanded. Tank nodded and disappeared from sight into the ship. 

Morpheus, Trinity, Dozer, Switch, Apoc, Mouse, Neo and Jinx got on the living level. They had pumped on some people who had wanted to speak with Neo. After talking with them he rushed to the others. The crew was already on the living level. Neo arrived. Morpheus started talking on his calm usual voice. "Ok. So let's see. I will be staying in there." Morpehus pointed at one of the doors. "Dozer and Tank can stay with their family. Trinity you shall stay over there. Mouse there. Switch you can stay there and Apoc can have that one." Morpheus looked at a note that had the room numbers of the rooms that were free and that had been set for them. 

"Darn it." "What is it?" Trinity asked as she leaned to see the note that was on Morpheus's hands. Everyone looked at Morpheus confused. "They did not know about Jinx coming here, so there aren't enought rooms." Jinx looked embarrassed. "If she wants, she could share with me." Neo offered. Jinx turned to look at him. She still had that embarrassed look on her face. "I'd like that." She said as her expression quickly changed. She was smiling slightly. "It's settled then." Morpheus said. He started to head for his room.

(Quick A/n: Sorry if the term room is wrong, but to me the living spaces aren't quite houses so i will be using the term room.)

Jinx opened the door and walked in. Neo came right behind her and closed the door. Jinx then settled her bag on the floor. She spinned around as she examined the room. It had one bed that had room for two, couch, bathroom and a small kitchen area. The walls were a boring shade of grey. Everything  was in the main room, except the bathroom. It was behind a brown door right next to the small kitchen area.

"I'll be taking the couch." Jinx informed with a smile cowering her face. Neo looked at her. He was about to protest, but then Jinx continued. "You already agreed to share a room with me so it is the smallest thing for me to sleep on the couch." After a brief moment of silence, he nodded in defeat. He then settled his stuff next to the night table. He fell on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Jinx sighed and walked to the couch. She sat down on it and thougt. "Aww man this is kinda hard." Neo who had turned to look at Jinx said. "If you want we can share the bed."

Jinx felt uncomfortable. He was once again so polite and offered sharing a bed, even after her little speech about how he had already done so much for her. "No. It's ok. I'll just need a blanket and a pillow and i'll sleep well." Neo knew she was lying, but he decided not to fight with her. "If you say so." 

The time had passed quickly and it was already time to get some sleep. Jinx had prepared the couch for herself. It was not the most comfortable thing to sleep on, but she didn't want to invade Neo's privacy. 

She tried to find the perfect spot but she couldn't. The couch was so hard. She sighed in frustration. Neo was in the bathroom changing. He came out soon. He looked at Jinx turning around under her blanket. He leaned against the doorway of the bathroom. "I insist that you take the bed." She stared at him. "I couldn't.. I would feel awfull. This is your room. And you have already done so much for me." "Bonnie.. Please.." Jinx got up still looking at Neo. Her eyes largened. "NOT a good word choice.." Neo thought as he got ready to see what would happen next.

Hearing Jinx's own name again recalled her old memories, that she had buried with her name. She zoned out remembering Aunt Lucy and her friends from the past. All the happy memories becoming now painfull. Then someone important came to her mind. Someone who was still alive and who she had forgotten. "Roxy.."

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