~ Chapter 3 ~

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I woke up late

Like really late.

So late that if I didn't think my father was going to kill me, I would have just skipped the day. My parents came home at about three-forty in the morning. They were arguing very loudly. What it was about wasn't important, but it seemed to go on forever. That was until I heard a loud noise and everything stopped. The next sound was footsteps and a door slam. 

I should've gone down, I should've gone to see what the noise was. The truth is, I was scared. A part of me knew what the sound was. I know what a skin on skin slap sounded like. I hated the thought of my father putting his hands on my mother. I was still holding onto some type of humanity to be in him. 

That all left last night

I no longer want to keep a relationship with my father when I leave. I'm still thinking about my mother though. 

I quickly got dressed and did my morning pleasantries. I subconsciously put a little more effort into my outfit. I wanted to be noticed, as childish as that sounds. I didn't yearn for a conversation.

However, I can't deny that I wanted his attention again.

I give myself one last look in the mirror, then rush out of the house. If I floor it, I can make it to school in five minutes. I've already missed first period and the beginning of second.  I haven't even entered the student parking lot and can already tell it's going to be a long day.

But, shit, at the same time, isn't every day?

I decided to just sit out on second period instead of getting a tardy. Three tardies equal detention and my father would go into cardiac arrest if he found out I had served a detention. Besides three years of highschool have taught me if you're going to be late, be really late.

I lock my car, heading to the back of the school. It was an unspoken rule that if you were late or skipping. You would enter or exit through the back entrance of the school. Some kid on the admin roll set that up for us my freshman year. He will truly be a legend. 

The smell of cigarette smoke floats through the air as I round the corner. I almost pause as I see the group of boys hanging out by the entrance. People normally didn't hang out around the door. 

The beautiful grey-eyed boy leans against the brick wall with a cigarette resting lazily in his mouth. His eyes trail down my body, before maintaining eye contact with me again. I smirk internally at the choice of my outfit. 

"Excuse me." I gesture to the door that Axel Stone seemed to be perched against.

"Door's locked, Princess." He exhales smoke through the side of his mouth, making an effort for it not to go in my face

Such a gentlemen

"Bull," I ignore his choice of a nickname.

"Might as well sit here and chill with us," Another one of the boys' comments. He was sitting on an old box. 

"That sounds amazing, but I'd prefer to go to class," I pressed my lips together, "Why is the door locked?"

Axel sneers at me, "How the fuck should I know?"

I quirk a brow at his new attitude, "Well, if you don't know then move so I can find out." 

"I don't like being told what to do."

"I don't give a shit what you like." 

I push Axel to the side, it wasn't hard but it did its job. I grab the crowbar that's hidden in one of the flower pots and open the door. 

As I said, the boy who did this is a legend


"Don't worry about it." I brush him off starting down the hallway.

I knew they weren't going in, they probably have no intention of going to class. My attraction to Axel didn't falter but my annoyance for him matched it. He was a dick. With that being said,  he was a cute one and that was the problem.


"Do you have a dress?"

The girls were talking about the party tomorrow. Everyone was excited, discussing dresses and color combinations. I wasn't dreading it, but I'm not exactly thrilled. All high school parties are the same, trust me, I've been to my fair share. I don't drink, but I do dance. 

I normally have fun, but when I'm ready to go, I'm ready to go. That's something my friends don't understand. 

My phone rings in my pocket, I quickly check the caller ID:


I excuse myself from the table, walking to the small outside seating area. No one was out here because it's eighty degrees and humid in my lovely little town. I sigh deeply before picking up the call. 

"I'm at school," I stated blankly.

"You were late,"

"Was I?"

"Victoria.." His voice was stern again, pure agitation evident in his voice. 

"Did you need something?"

"If your grandfather is rolling in his grave right now. What the hell is wrong with you talking to me like that?" He spits into the phone.

"I've seen that you've lost your damn mine so I'll remind you that something bigger than you is on the line. I have a campaign to run, Victoria, I don't have time to baby you? My instructions aren't complicated or hard. You disappoint me every day, give me a fucking break."


"I'm speaking," He snaps, "You forget yourself, child. Every single teen at that damned school dream of the life you've been born into. Stop acting like a damn brat. You get your ungratefulness from your mother."

He was right

I often think of how fortunate I am. I do not deny that I have the ideal teenage life. I never go without, I can thank my father for that. Yet, I'm still unhappy. I know I'm wrong for that. I am ungrateful, but how do I turn my feelings off?

"I understand," 

"We will discuss this further when I get home."

If I had anywhere to go, I'd run away

"Goodbye, Father." 

I don't give him a chance to answer as I just hang up the phone. I couldn't go back to my table and fake a smile. My mood was absolutely crushed. I can see all the girls smiling from the window. I didn't want to bother them. 

The feeling of something rolling down my cheek caught my attention:

A tear

I probably looked a mess. I quickly decided I would just text Olivia. Many excuses ran through my mind, none of them were good but again they didn't really have to be. The bottom line was, I'm not going back to lunch. 

Hey, my dad called. I'll meet you in Bio, okay?

I shoved my phone back in my pocket, turning to walk back into the school through the front entrance. 

Now this time, I did pause. As soon as I turn around I'm met with piercing grey eyes. They were certainly gorgeous; I have to wonder what kind of genes you're created with to be so fortunate. He was a beautiful man. If my pride wasn't so large I'd be at my feet for him; Axel Stone. 

Axel Stone stood against his motorcycle. A Harley-Davidson deluxe in vivid black to be exact.

It was the exact same model I had begged my father for once I got my license. He, of course, said 'over my dead body' and I never brought it up again. I look at him expectantly, in return, he shakes his head. A smirk sitting on his lips. 

"Need a ride, Angel?"

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