~ Chapter 27 ~

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It's like she read my mind, taking me by the arm and leading me to the middle of the living that was doubling as the dance floor for the time being. It did its job; two loudspeakers sat in the corner of the room and they shook the entire house. 

Music blasted out of the speakers at a deafening volume. Not only could you hear the music, but you could also feel it course through you. It vibrated my entire being with familiar music. Music so loud it made my teeth chatter. 

Slow to fast, up and down - no set genre to the music whatsoever.

I couldn't tell you exactly what I was doing, but I knew I felt great. The songs flowed through me, then add the energy of the girls. This was a drug within itself. Both Blaze and Scarlette joined our personal dance circle not too long after it was created.




Songs pass, but the natural high still hadn't left.

I need a drink

People around us were loud with encouraging yells, probably on a real high. Whether it was at us, or just in general. I didn't know or care.

"What do they have in the kitchen?" I ask pushing through the maze of people.

"I think they have some Hennessy, but what are you into?"

"Did you say, Hennessy?" Scarlette pipes in with a smile.

I didn't want alcohol, Mia and I had something to do tomorrow. Maybe I could invite these girls. Our old friend group had completely turned on her after what she told me. I knew these girls would accept her just as they did me. Who knows? Maybe one of them knows some German.

I search the fridge for a sealed bottle of water and shift my attention back to the girls.

"We've never had this much fun until you started going to parties," Blaze smiled brightly over at me, "I designate you as our hype girl,"

I laugh.

"I agree, we've never had a dance circle formed before." Athena drinks straight out of the Hennessy bottle before passing it to Scarlette.

"I didn't even notice the circle," I breathe heavily.

"Want to know who did notice?" Athena edges, "A certain bad boy."

I suppress my smile in front of the girls, taking a sip of my water to hide the giddiness of my heart. I had an itch to start something. The fire brewed in the pit of my stomach begging me to act on the thoughts I was currently having.

"Pass the Hennessy,"

I only took a gulp, enough to feel the liquid burn my chest. I just wanted to add some lighter fluid to the already burning fire. Something to spark my confidence.

"I'll be back."

I don't even look twice at the heavily smiling group of girls. I had one thing on my mind and one thing only: Find Axel.

Entering the living room again, I scan the room finding Axel still sitting on the couch. Beer in hand and grey eyes scanning the room as well. The Hennessy's burn certainly did what I wanted to. I didn't even have time to think before my legs were moving in his direction. The sound of my heels against the wood floor mixed with the slow playing music just encouraged me. 

"How'd you like my dance?" I whispered in his ear, "I heard you were watching,"

"It was mesmerizing, angel, "

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