~ Chapter 11 ~

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He just looked at me

The realization that I was talking about his face hits him and turns his eyes briefly to his bruise. In all honesty, it didn't look bad. Compared to the other guy, Axel got the longer end of the stick. 

I step further into the room, closing the door. The tension in the room is suffocating. His eyes seemed to be the only thing to keep my focus. I feel light-headed, the room on the verge of spinning. How can someone's eyes make your head reel?

"That was a cheap shot," I comment, taking a cold rag that laid on the counter and placing it on his cheek. I wonder if he can feel my hands shaking from behind the cloth. 

I'm just praying to God he finds something else to stare at

"Who brought you here?" 

I ignore his question, "How long have you been fighting?"

From the corner of my eye and can see him roll his. "Victoria, I asked you a quest-"

"I'm sorry," I blurt out, "You were just trying to help and I was a complete bitch." 

Words that I've been wanting to say to him just fall out. I've practiced saying it in the mirror, in the shower. I think I even had a dream about saying it. Nonetheless, no matter how much I practiced, this is not the way I had imagined it. Not while he was silent and tired. Not while I was dapping a cold and probably dirty cloth on his face. 

Yet, it still felt good to say

I was in the wrong, I can admit it. He didn't have to comfort me in the park, yet he did. Then I completely pushed him away. 

"I know, baby, I know." He stands up, wrapping his arms around me. 

"I didn't mean to be rude, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings," I whisper from where my head was placed at the base of his shoulder. He chuckles slightly. I guess the apology was a little juvenile, but it was true. I could tell he was slightly hurt by my rude demeanor. Whether he wanted to admit it or not. 

"It's alright, princess," He chuckles, releasing me from the hug.

Much to my dismay

"But you didn't answer my questions. Who brought you?" Axel collects his duffle bag and guides me out of the room. The hallways are dark, with busted lights. It smells strongly of cigarette smoke the further we go into the unfamiliar hallway. 

"Blaze and Athena, but I lost them right before the fight," I answer. Axel nods at the passing men, they nod back. Why does everyone look so scary?

"I'll text them that I'll bring you home," He pulls out his phone, still walking swiftly through these neverending hallways.

The thought perked in my head of denying the ride. Saying that I was fully capable of catching a ride with the girls. That's what my ego wanted. However, I wanted nothing more but to spend one more bike ride with him. So I just kept quiet.

"So, that's what you did why skipping school today," Axel slyly comments as the cool fresh air hits our faces. We're finally out of the stuffy hallway. I didn't have to look at him to know he was gesturing to my new piercings. They were screaming for attention under the crisp blow of the wind.

"Call it an act of rebellion,"

"It looks good on you, did it hurt?" He mocks the words I said earlier. 

I smile softly.

We're back


I stand in front of my home, sighing. I could sneak into my room again, but my feet hurt. I was no longer in a spiteful mood. I was actually in a good one and dreading the next few moments that would lead to that being destroyed. 

I go ahead and walk towards the kitchen, knowing my father was already there waiting for me. I was correct, he was there as well as a woman. This woman was not the campaign manager. I'd question it if I cared. 

But I don't

"You didn't go to school today,"

"I did not,"

"You ran up two thousand dollars on my credit card,"

I don't think it was two thousand dollars.

"Keep up this bitchy attitude,"  He spits, his scorning eyes are the brightest light in the room. "I would send you away if I thought the public wouldn't notice. I would be bad on me, negative attention,"

"Doesn't it already look bad on you?" I retort right back.

"I hope you know as soon as you turn eighteen you're leaving this house. I don't want to hear or to speak to you again. Do you understand me? I don't know how the hell I got such an ungrateful daughter,"

"Look around Victoria! Look where you live! Everything I do for you, everything I give you. You need a real ass whooping and I've got half a mind to give it to you." The woman on his arms smooths the wrinkles out of his button. A wanton gaze thrown to his side - it makes me want to throw up.

"I've worked hard all my life and to get this," He gestures to me, "I must've killed someone in my past life."

"Emancipate me then," I simply shrug, " I'll be out of your hair," 

"Emancipation is a public record, people would ask questions,"

I groan, "Looks like people don't ask enough questions,"

I take myself to my room, ignoring whatever my father was still complaining about. I am so beyond tired of all this shit. He complains about me every day, yet won't do anything about it. This situation will so much easier if just ignored me. 

He never takes any action. He's full of empty promises. He's been threatening to send me away for years. Even when I was a little girl; I would ugly crying, on my knees, pleading forgiveness from my father. His gaze was always cold and his mouth always hurled hurtful words. 

Eventually, I just stopped crying. I stopped listening. After a while, it seemed like he would be angry either way. 

It's that he goes out of his way to insult me. I guess my father is proof that when you have a child love isn't guaranteed. The rational part of me knows that this isn't was he truly feels. That something deeper is going on. The other side of me doesn't care, I know I shouldn't be treated like this. This can't possibly be how other kids are treated. 


I start to hate that word more and more every day

I hate thinking. I hate having to hold this in, but I have no one to tell it to. The only thing I can vent to is my mirror. I like to think of myself as a strong person, but sometimes, just sometimes:

I just need someone to hug me and tell me that I'm not as much as a nuisance as I feel at times

I jump at the sound of a clink on my window. My back against my door and I have my knees to my chest, bawling my eyes out. I roughly wipe my face and walk to the window. 

It was very dark outside, I barely saw it:

A raven

Black eyes looking back at me. Maybe it was because I'm said and delusion, but I could've sworn the same raven from my french class. I scoff a small laugh. 

A bird is the most loyal thing in my life right now

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