~ Chapter 44 ~

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The hospital room smells of piss and weed. If you can even call it a hospital. They drove here after we left the fight. It's a small dingy building in the middle of the woods with like three doctors.

My body aches, but I'm happy.

Tonight was thrilling in all of its glory. I could watch Victoria swing that chair at people's heads all day. Thinking about it brings a smile to my face. It's not because of the pain she was causing, but because she jumped in with no hesitation. She was the first to have my back, the first to tell me that something was wrong.

Even after I shunned away her warning; she still came to my rescue.

I don't deserve her

I chuckle to myself, I really don't.

"What are you over there giggling about?" Tyler jokes, walking to my bedside.

"Victoria," I answer honestly.

"Oh my God that's so cute," Athena quips from the corner of the small hospital room.

Athena has been really down on herself about the whole Victoria situation. I haven't been on the best term with the boys or her since then. They refuse to take the blame for the way they treated her. They instead use the excuse that they had to do it for me.

Deep down all of them know that it's because Victoria has been the only one in our lives that didn't care what we did or where we came from. She hung out with us without asking any questions. She didn't press matters. She stayed around us because she liked us, as people.

"I assume you guys have talked?" Noah asks.

"Not enough,"

"You pushed her away when she didn't want to be away from you. That's what hurt her the most,"

"I know,"

"You're lucky she actually likes you," Kaiden snorts.

I smile in return, "The luckiest."

The door opens softly and in walks the gorgeous brunette. She slams the door with a frown.

"This hospital doesn't even have a food court- or food at all for that matter." She moves to the chair closest to me.

"This is like the movies, I could patch you up better at home,"

"Hey, listen, it's not like I need that much patching. I said we didn't even have to go to the hospital,"

Everyone acts like I wasn't the main one whopping ass in that scuffle with the men in black. They should pay for all the men I dropped earlier tonight. The few cuts I ended up with were inevitable - but I still won.

"I was waiting for them to throw you off the roof," Tyler laughs.

He thinks he's a comedian

"Shut the fuck up, Tyler, that's why no one likes you,"

"Act your age," Kaiden cuts in, "We'll leave you two here and try to see if there's any food close by."

I knew what he was trying to do, but I have absolutely no complaints. For the longest time, I've wished for Victoria and me to go back to the way we used to be. Regardless of how it seems, I actually hate arguing with her. Howbeit, that seems like the only way I can get her attention.

As soon as the door closed, she looks towards me and smiles.

"That was fun," She smiles brightly. "Even though I wouldn't want to do it again,"

I have to take a deep breath before I respond, "I should've listened."

"It wouldn't have mattered. We weren't going to get out of there without a fight,"

"That's a good way of looking at it," The corner of my lip lifts slightly.

"I'm tired of being angry at you, Axel,"

"And I'm tired of you being angry at me."

She lets a soft smile fall on her lips as she looks at me. She seems as if she has something to say. I won't force it out of her though. At this moment, her presence is all I require from her. She looks heavenly under the dim light. In fact, she seemed to glow brighter than the light in the room.

"I guess no money, huh?"

"We'll figure something out,"

She nods, silent for a moment. "I think my father had something to do with it. I saw Lucas Saunters there,"

I don't really want to think about what brought on tonight's events. I want to think about her. We can worry about all the consequences tomorrow. All the bills, dads, and jealous boys could wait until the morning.

"Stop thinking, Angel," I cooed, "Look, there's enough room for two on this bed."

I sat up for her. There really wasn't enough room for two people in this bed. Nevertheless, we made it work. She sat on my lap with her head on my chest.

We sat in silence for a moment. The smell of her hair did nothing to stop her from filling my thoughts. I am completely and utterly smitten with Victoria Beckette.

"I love you."

My heart dropped to my stomach. I didn't mean to say that out loud. I can feel my throat constricting. She lifts her head to look at me.

I continue before she can answer, "And I'm terrified- not terrified of loving you, that's the easy part."


"I'm serious. You don't have to say it back, but I think you should know," I try to explain clearly, "I'm trying to work on my communication with you."

She pauses for a moment, "You don't know what love is, Axel,"

"That's true, but I know this is pretty close."

She sits all the way up and faces me. I don't regret telling her, I truly believe she needs to know. However, I just hope my confession doesn't ruin anything. 

Not being loved back is something - but losing her completely I won't be able to handle.

"Don't say things you don't say mean,"

"Never, not when it comes to you, never."

Those beautiful blues eyes search mine. She's trying to see if I'm telling the truth. I've been unsure of a lot of things and I've made a lot of bad choices. But Victoria? She's the best thing to ever happen to me.

"So it's us? From now on?" She asks as the smile slowly starts to come across her lips.

"We'd be a wonderful us."

With that, my lips were on hers. I thrived in the way she melted into me. Whatever she refused to say, she said in a kiss. A million thoughts condensed into one moment. The real primal desire that only physical touch can depict. I've waited my entire life for her, strangely, without even knowing it.

I crave Victoria Beckette in the most innocent ways. She has me wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know it. I've known I'd do anything for her since the day I met her. I've been arguing with my mind at this point; because my heart already knew.

She ran her hands through my hair roughly. Quickly changing the nature of the kiss. The soft, loving kisses soon turned into a fast-paced, passionate one. She climbed further onto my lap. I raked my fingers down her back, pulling her hair, taking complete control. She gave me full dominance of the kiss, fully knowing that she could very well take control of the whole thing.

I'd let her, happily, by the way

I moved to her neck, soft moans only egging me on.

"We're really in the middle of bumblef- holy shit!"

Victoria jumps back in shock. A deep grumble comes from my throat, as I've never been so disappointed in my life.

"Not on the hospital bed!" Noah continues his dramatic rant.

"So no food?"

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