~ Chapter 49 ~

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I told Mia everything.

It was like flood gates opening. The fear I was holding back, dropped, as I let Mia in fully. I told her about my father and the truth behind the pictures. I came clean about where I've been for the past few weeks. I even told her how I felt about Axel.

Mia came clean to me. She told me everything that's been happening in her life as well. She wants to leave home, be independent. Mia feels like a foreigner in her home. She struggles with coping in her strict religious household. She feels like her parents put their values over their love for her.

Even as she talks about her home life it's still very clear the love that she has for her family.

As we sat on the school's roof, passing a blunt, gazing at the bright blue sky. The euphoric state made me think of everything on a deeper level. I could reach a part of my brain that is usually guarded with anxiety.

What she said resonated with me; mentioning her love for her family. I say I hate my dad, but I don't. I say that I never want to see my mother again, although that's a lie. I'd give anything to have both of my parents happy and healthy. I'd give everything to have them hug me like they use to, back when they at least pretended to be happy. 

I buried the hurt of my mother not contacting me somewhere deep inside of myself. On my worst days, the thought to visit her again crosses my mind, not for long, but it's still there. I imagine by this time; she's either gotten clean or they've kicked her out.

I shut the door of the boy's house, sighing contently.

Mia and I discussed a living situation. Although I wanted to live alone, with the current amount of money I have there's absolutely no way of having that happen, at least not right now. We discussed a roommate situation. Finding a place and splitting the rent.

However, right now all I want is one thing.

I walk straight through the kitchen, waving lightly at Noah and Kaiden. I watch myself on the stairs, still slightly affected from earlier. Opening the familiar door with a pout, I spot the only person I want to see right now.

The sound catches his attention, turning to me. "What's wrong?"

I don't answer. I immediately wrap my arms around him. Axel doesn't say anything either, just mirrors my actions.

He runs his hands through my hair as his smell invades all of my senses. He holds on as tight as I needed him to. My eye close, but I do not fall asleep. His embrace held my entire being - body, brain, and soul - telling me that he is with me.

He chuckles softly, "You smell of weed, Angel,"

"I smoked a blunt today,"

"Oh yeah?" His voice rumbles against me, "And where'd you get that from?"

"Shhhh, I like you better when you're not talking."


"You should get into fighting, you'd blow minds."

I laugh at Scarlette's attempt to recruit Mia as a fighter. Fighting would be the opposite of Mia, but hey, who am I to judge? If Mia really wanted to I'm sure she could knock anyone out.

Keyword: Wanted to.

The bell sounds and I say goodbye to the girls, heading to French. Graduation is coming up and I'm slightly scared. Although I have high grades, with my current situation I've been skipping a lot of school.

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