~ Chapter 32 ~

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Friday's wedding was a whole affair. Although, I wouldn't expect anything less from my father. I woke up to makeup artists knocking at my bedroom door. They got me into the dress I picked and styled me, all that took three hours.

Then I was driven to the place where the wedding would be held. It was gorgeous without a doubt. Very formal and expensive looking. I could see the red carpet that the soon-to-be-married couple would walk down.

I've been thrown around all day; whether someone wants a blurb on how I feel or an assistant of my father telling me last-minute changes he's made - I've had something to do for every minute today.

I'm finally standing still for the first time, at the door. I was smiling and talking to any guest that entered the wedding doors. Some I recognized, others I had no idea of.

The first guests to arrive were paparazzi and reporters. They all smiled quickly, then went straight to taking pictures and speaking into their recorders. A familiar woman walks through the door last. I have to hold back my sneer as she walked through the door.

"Hi, honey, is your father around?" The reporter asks, with a sickly sweet tone.

I know she knows I've seen her in my home. The audacity of her to come to my father's wedding knowing good and well she's the other woman is honestly shocking.

"All media will have to wait until the ceremony is over for questioning, ma'am." I keep my voice just as sweet as hers.

"I think I have VIP access,"

"I don't think so," I state again sharply, looking at the guest behind her. She gets the message and struts off with a huff. Her large heels sounding obnoxiously against the ground.

I don't like my father's mistress, I mean she was the one that ultimately ended my parents' marriage. However, my father is being just cruel letting his side chick strut around their wedding. Why even marry the girl if they're going to have problems?

Having me stand next to his mistress in a white dress is also cruel. I'd thought that the day I got a text from him. They wouldn't have any best men or bridesmaids. It was just going to be the couple and me up there.

But, again, who am I not to follow instructions

"How did I manage to get the prettiest girl here to be my date?" I turn at the voice.

"As my date are you ready to fix me food and pull out my chair? I don't expect to touch a single door while I'm here?" I joke.

"Oh, of course," He waves me off, "Only the best for my date."

I smile at the last few guests then make my way to the ceremony room. My father thinks he's funny as he sat Lucas' parents next to the head table and sat Lucas next to me at the head table. He would have to be alone for most of the ceremony, but from what he tells me that won't be a problem.

"I'm going to take you to your seat, then I'm going to head to the back, okay?"

"Can I get champagne?"

"You're underage," I shoot him a pointed look.

"Oh, please don't even start with that. I've seen you take a shot of Hennessy to the head,"

I'm going to ignore that comment because we have to spend the rest of the day together, but I will not forget about it. How come he saw me at the party and I didn't see him?

"Drink water," I state walking off to find where I was supposed to stand.

A worker waves me over from behind the large doubled doors. Once I get behind it, I have the makeup team on me and some other random ladies fix my hair and dress. Another random person lifts a water bottle to my lips telling me to drink. The people start to clear out as music starts playing in the ceremony room.

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