~ Chapter 35 ~

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My heart was still racing.

It's been racing since I kissed him. It raced when I stumbled out of the gym. It continued to race as I drove my car straight home. I was too frazzled to even remember why I'd gone to the gym in the first place.

Nothing could take the cheek-hurting smile that was plastered on my face. Well, that was until I woke up without a single text from a certain grey-eyed boy. All Sunday I waited for a single text, just something - anything.

I was given nothing.

I can't explain in words what I was expecting from him. I just wanted some clarification, maybe? Something to tell me that kissing him wasn't a mistake. It sure didn't feel like a mistake. I might be expecting too much from him. I'm almost positive I'm not the only girl he's ever kissed. SO a kiss could mean nothing. 

I pull up to the school, eyes already set on the pretty black bike parked across the lot. I hop out of my car making sure to not even look their way. Instead, I smile widely at the sight of Mia walking towards the school doors.

I feel his eyes burn at my back. However, I refused to turn around. I think I've given Axel Stone the wrong impression of myself. I most definitely wasn't wrapped around his finger. If he wasn't going to make an effort to talk to me, I wouldn't go out of my way either.

I could play his game a hundred times better than he could


She turns around with a smile, "Hey! I was just about to call you,"

"When is Christmas break again?'

"It's already passed," She laughs.

"Ugh, right."

We walk arm in arm into the building. Finding some acquaintances to talk to, passing the time. When the large doors slammed open, I refused to look. When I heard the boots hit the tile flooring, I refused to pause my conversation. Then, against my internal wishes, the boots walk right past me.

"The sexual tension is suffocating,"

I look towards Mia, frowning.

"With who?"

"You, bitch," She snorts, "You and Mr. Badboy,"

"Oh, hush," I wave her away, "We didn't even look at each other,"

"You didn't look at him, but he definitely looked at you. He looks mad, what did you do to him?"

"Isn't he always mad?"

Now, what sense does that make? I could, again, be taking this completely out of proportion. Is a text after a kiss too much to ask? Maybe I'm being unfair, he's not obligated to text me first. For all I know he might've been sitting right next to the phone waiting for me to text him.

He most definitely wasn't doing that.


"Meet me at lunch?"

"Meet at lunch."


We had a substitute teacher for french this fine morning. The work she left, was that we work in our groups for some random worksheet. I, of course, was partnered with Lucas. However, the sub was pretty cool, and let us sit outside to do our work.

It was a wonderful day after all.

However, there was a down to sitting outside, there always is. Axel Stone happened to be skipping class outside as well. This time when I saw him, we did make eye contact. I only broke it when Lucas asked a question.

I automatically felt bad, I'd just told Axel that I wanted nothing with Lucas, and here I am sitting outside with him. I know I was just thinking about 'playing Axel's game' but hurting his feelings was never in the equation.

By the time we'd finished our worksheet, Axel had gone through three cigarettes. He didn't say a word but the boys must've sensed his mood and soon looked over at me too.

"He's bad news you know,"

"Funny," I glance in Axel's direction again, "He said the same thing about you,"

"Listen, Victoria," Lucas moves himself to sit right next to me, "You're not the only girl that thinks she can change a boy. I just want to let you know that there's other options,"

Who said I wanted to change him?

"What's the other option, Lucas?"

He doesn't make eye contact, looking away. Lucas Saunters had my complete attention now. I just hope he's not about to suggest what I think he's about to suggest. I think Lucas is a great guy, but he's not what I want. I can't even sit here and pretend.

"Can't you see the influence he's has on you?" Lucas was getting fiery, "He's got you skipping class, going to illegal fights, drag racing,"

"And who the hell told you that?"

"People talk-"

"Bullshit," I cut him off, standing up, "Do you think I'm dumb Lucas? That I can't connect the dots?"

"Victoria, that's- I didn't mean to say that-"

"Of course you didn't," I snarl, "Now, tell me is my father paying you, or do you do this for fun?"

"This isn't where I planned on taking this conversation," He pauses, "Victoria, I think you're amazing. Beautiful, smart, funny-"

"I haven't told you a single joke,"

"You didn't have to,"

"Did you watch me shower too? Or do you have boundaries?"

"No, I haven't gotten to that yet,"

"You think you're funny?" I raise a brow.

"What's so different? Do you think he wasn't watching you too? Tell me, Victoria, why do you think he's taken an interest in you all of a sudden?"

"Right, because I can't just pull a guy with my personality,"

"I know you're not stupid Victoria. Axel Stone likes illegal activities and your father is the only one in the state in his way. He doesn't give a fuck about you,"

Lucas grabs my arm, pulling it to his chest. His grab wasn't like Axel's. He was hurting me. I don't think I've ever seen Lucas angry. I can't even understand why he's the one upset with me. I'm confused beyond belief on how this escalated so fast. 

I rip my arm away from him, turning to run. I, mentally, didn't know where I was going, but it looks my body did.

I ran, they all were looking, but I didn't care - I ran to him.

I ran in the opposite direction of Lucas. A body meeting me halfway. I instantly wrapped my arms around him, he took no time doing the same. I could hear the other boys run past us towards Lucas.

"Axel- I'm sorry-"

"Shhh," He holds me tighter, "It's alright,"

"You're an idiot. A cute idiot, but still an idiot,"

"He was just my French partner, I didn't even pick him," I continued to rant.

"Princess, just calm down, it doesn't matter."

The only thing I could feel was relief. I have to say, out of all the ways I could've seen that conversation going. That was not one of them. Lucas hadn't even hinted to me that he had a quick-tempered side. Truthfully, I know as much about Lucas has me knows about me, or as much as he thinks he knows about me.

"Come on, let's go," I shake myself off.

"Alright, where?"

"Anywhere but here, please."

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