~ Chapter 47 ~

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The whispers and the lasting gazes hadn't subsided since the last time I walked through the parking lot. This time was a little easier because I was walking with Athena. The boys stayed home for some reason that I didn't care to ask about.

I've been searching for Mia as I walked into school. Normally we'd met somewhere between my car and my locker. However, today, she was nowhere to be found. Seeing as my phone is off, have no way of contacting her.

The lack of sleep was already starting to affect me. Watching the sunrise was amazing. The reality that the sunrise is extremely early must've slipped my mind. Today is going to suck, but I'd rather have it no other way.

I waited by Mia's locker until the bell rang. Unsatisfied, I made my way to French.

French went by as excruciating as usual. The good news is I haven't run into Lucas Saunters thus far. The bad news is there is still no sign of Mia. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that she's sick. I'd probably know if I could answer my phone. Speaking of not being able to answer the phone; she's probably worried about me too.

I've been too overwhelmed to think of simple things. Simple things as in letting your friends know where you are and where you've been. If Mia is angry at me then she has full rights. I've been very selfish.

A loud bang sounds in the hallway. I followed the crowd to see what all the commotion was. Honestly, anything sounds better than going to another class right now, even if it's some random fight.

The sounds were coming from the common area next to the front doors. From the way the crowd was reacting, there wasn't a fight. I could hear talking, but I couldn't decipher what was being said. Everyone around the area was whispering amongst each other while looking at whatever was in the middle.

I tried to maneuver around to see what was happening. The longer I stood listening the more a feeling in the bottom of my stomach kept growing. Something was wrong, but what could it possibly be?

I pushed the right person, finally seeing the entire scene in front of me. Mia stood in the middle of the crowd, tear-streaked face and wide-mouthed. Olivia posed in front of her, hand on her hip.

I didn't know what the conversation was about, but I didn't need to know. I didn't think twice about plowing through the rest of the crowd. Joining Mia by her side.

"Good morning, Liv," I purred, "What? Did Mr. Johnson not need his dick sucked this morning?"

Olivia got a one-hundred on her exam with her brain alright

Olivia's eyebrows furrowed even more at my remark. A slight shock took over her eyes before it was quickly replaced with both anger and embarrassment.

"Mia can fight her own battles,"

"Oh, I'm sure she can, but she doesn't have to."

Mia still stood next to me sniffling. I was made instantly aware of all the eyes watching me. I need to get Mia out of all this attention. Whatever disdain I have for Olivia is going to have to wait.

I take Mia's hand in mine, "It was nice seeing you again, Olivia, I hope it doesn't happen again anytime soon."

With that, I lead Mia through the thick crowd. Quickly making my way down an empty hallway settling for a vacant art classroom.

"Are you alright?" I asked, as soon as the door was locked.

Mia was no longer crying. Her faced masked in a frown. I looked at her questionably before speaking again.

"What did she say?"

"Where have you been?"

I was taken aback by her tone. It was clear to me that she was actually angry, specifically angry at me.

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