~ Chapter 25 ~

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I was staring at a picture on my phone. It held a beauty looking off into an empty parking lot, sun bouncing off over her glistening skin. It amazed me that I had even gotten to see that in person let alone capture a picture of it. It was now my favorite picture.

"What do you think his infatuation with her is?" Noah runs a hand through his hair, sighing loudly.

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out," I gritted, "He always seems to be around, especially around her. The interest isn't mutual. Most of the time I'm the one pointing out his presence."

The group pauses, all sitting in the VIP area of the gym. Victoria had left a few minutes ago, she gave me no sign that her project with Saunters went bad so I was worried right now.

I've personally never liked Lucas. He's always been phony to me. I told Jace to keep an eye on him, he sees him more than I do.

"Do you think it has something to do with Mr. Beckette?" Taylor's question hung in the air, no one made a move to answer it.

I didn't tell anyone about Victoria's parental issues. I went as far as deleting the texts from Athena's phone after our conversation. However, they knew that Mr. Beckette was very powerful in his field of business. That's why we were trying desperately to avoid him being elected Major.

I'd thought about using Victoria to help, but I couldn't do that to her. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night.

If Victoria's father got Major, the life I've been accustomed to for eight months would change drastically. His election would change everything.

"It better not," I was the one that answered.

That was a good question though, that's the first thing we need to find out. It wouldn't be outside of Beckette's power to have his daughter followed. Would he really choose a high school student to do it though? I guess the better question is would Lucas really do that? Beckette's playing chess and we're playing checkers.

"Keep an eye out, " I cut the conversation short.

"Yeah you fucking better," Athena's sharp voice sounds from the door, "Victoria is a good person. If she gets hurt, it's all on you."

Trust me, I know


"There he is,"

Taylor points at the golden boy's Audi pulling into a parking space. I pull the cigarette from my lips, snarling at its cliche entirety.

"Talk to him," The words fall with the cigarette smoke.

Taylor smiles while walking over to their table. I didn't care what the conversation was about, but I wanted to make my presence known. I needed to let Saunters know he was on my radar.

I go back to scanning the school's yard. I couldn't help but seek out one person in the crowd. It finally hit me in the morning, before class, she wouldn't be here. I stifle a smile while stomping out my cigarette.

Letting my feet guide me to where I know she would be, I have to shake my head at myself. Since when did I become such a fucking pansy? Miss Victoria Beckette has me wrapped around her pretty little finger and she wasn't even trying. 

I'm infatuated with her. I'm okay with admitting that to myself and myself only. Nothing more than that would come of this. Once I graduated, I would move to Cali and sign with a random fighting league. I would leave this life behind, I would everything behind.

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