~ Chapter 12 ~

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School has a certain smell

Not necessarily a bad or pungent smell, but a smell nonetheless. Once it enters your nose you immediately recognize it. Something that says:

Oh yeah, I'm in school

When I was in elementary school, I liked school. I liked to learn new things and play with friends. Times, when homework was fun and reading was for enjoyment. Even now I don't hate school. The older I've gotten the more I just feel - indifferent - about school. 

It's the smell of the metal lockers, it's the smell of stinky students, it's the smell of over perfumed girls, it's the smell of shit-talking teachers. All of these smells mixed together with the occasional tears. 

Makes the smell of the school

"Vic!" A voice calls out from behind me.

I turn to see Olivia's blonde hair bouncing down the hallway towards my direction, "Yeah?" 

"Okay so since you missed yesterday, I'll catch you up with everything. We have a pep rally today, it'll cut through your first and second block-"

I'm always down for something to get me out of French

"Pep rally? For what?" We change course and make our way to the gym. 

Pep rally schedule depended on your lunch and your lunch depends on your grade. They really don't have to separate us like that though. I'm sure every student could fit in the gym for one pep rally if we really wanted to. 

"Nothing, in particular, just to raise spirits and school pride I guess."

Olivia and I had a good conversation about nothing important. It was moments like these that reminded me of how our friendship used to be. Our good times were good but our bad times were toxic. I love Olivia- when she's not being a bitch. 

"What the hell is that?" 

Olivia gasps as we enter the gym. I have to bite back a snicker. Standing on the gym floor was some kind of large box filled with water. 

"It's a dunking both," I snort, "The real question is why is it in the gym?"

"Find a seat ladies and gentlemen, we have a wonderful surprise for you!" Ms. Jenni, our assistant principal sings into the microphone. 

A few mutual friends get Olivia and I's attention. They gesture to the seats they saved for us at the top of the bleachers and we head our way to their area. 

"Who do you think is going to be getting dunked?" A red-head quirks as we take our seats. I'd seen her before and I'm pretty sure I've had a small conversation with her, but I did not know her name. 

"I hope to the heavens it's Ms. Boucher," 

I chuckle at the comment. It would truly be a lovely sight for Ms. Boucher to be dunked. She would never let that happen though, I'm positive she was the one that thought up this idea. 

"Quiet down." Ms. Boucher pops out of nowhere with the microphone.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear

"We know it's halfway through the year, school is getting boring, so we wanted to surprise our wonderful students!" Mrs. Jenni brightens again, "We're going to take a poll. You have three choices: Mr. Knight, Ms. Boucher, and Myself!"

"Did I hear that right?" I ask out loud, "I know she did not just say Ms. Boucher, oh she's going to have a whole fit," 

"Even worst, Ms. Boucher is crazier than we thought if she thinks this whole student body isn't going to vote for her." 

I like this girl, I need to find out her name

"Raise of hands for Mr. Knight-" Mrs. Jenni raises a hand over Mr. Knight's head. Out of all of the two hundred students in this gym currently. I'd say about five rose their hands. 

Mr. Knight was an administer. I haven't really had too many run-ins with him as well as I haven't really heard anyone complain about him. Mrs. Jenni moves on to raise her hand over herself. 

She knows what's about to happen, that's why she waited to judge Ms. Boucher last

I didn't see any hands raised for Mrs. Jenni, but at that same time, I really wasn't looking that hard. I was just preparing to start recording when Ms. Boucher got dunked. Mrs. Jenni moves on, hesitantly. Raising her hand and taking a deep breath. 

"Ms. Bouche-" 

She didn't even get to finished the cheers and hands in the crowd cut her off. I didn't raise my hand, I didn't have to. It was without a doubt Ms. Boucher who was chosen to go into the dunking booth. What I was more captivated by was Ms. Boucher's face. Utter shock rested on her hard features. Her face was red, whether it was from embarrassment or anger, I was not sure. I would feel bad for her, but she just gave me a forty-five on our last quiz.

So in the booth, you go... bitch

"This was rigged!" The red-faced woman shouts from the gym floor, her actions remind me slightly of an infuriated toddler. The stomping of the foot and the wave of the hands all add up. 

"I work hard every day to teach for this school and this is what I get!" Ms. Boucher was giving everybody a piece of her mind. We were gonna listen to her today. "I refuse to be belittled and insulted in my own place of work!"

With that, she stomps out.

My mouth? Dropped.

My eyes? Wide. 

Hotel? Trivago.

"If you'll stay in your seats, we'll be right back." Mrs. Jenni musters up a smile a scoots in the directions Ms. Boucher left to. I look at Olivia. 

"Fuck that."

"Please, tell me someone got that on video!" I laugh walking outside. 

We decided since the failed pep rally freed up a whole block. We would just hang outside of the cafeteria. 

"Bitch-" The redhead draws out, "I got you, here, give me your number." 

I hand her my phone: 

Scarlette is her name

Huh, fitting

The girls laugh about the event earlier as I let my mind wander. Ms. Boucher was truly the character. I'd never know a woman so mean could be so sensitive. She was out of her mind if she thought the student body hasn't been waiting for a chance to get back at this woman. Hell! The teachers too. I bet my librarian friend is laughing her ass off. 

Dark hair and a leather jacket distract me. The figure walked swiftly around the brick corner of the school.

"I'll be back, I have to use the bathroom-" I lie, walking towards where I'd just seen the figure. 

When I turned the corner, no one was there. The side of the school was completely bare except for the two dumpsters. I start to turn around when I'm pushed against the brick wall gently. 

"Looking for someone, doll?"

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