Asylum's & Institution's

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I found out about this place in high school while out with some friends. Long story short, after a run in with some intimidating government security guy who told us to "immediately leave the property or he was going to arrest us" and had back up pull up, within the first 5 minutes of parking the car, we decided to not go back in fear of getting arrested for trespassing. That was in 2011. I moved away, went to college, etc. etc. basically forgot all about this place. Well last February I drove by the woods next to the HUGE property it sits on and thought about it again. I told my girlfriend about it and we decided we would go back and try to visit again. This was in January. It was still pretty cold so we decided to wait until the first nice day of the year to go explore. In the mean time, I spent hours- days- every second I was not busy - looking into the history of this place. It's honestly just wild. Well February came around and we finally got a nice day. I had done so much research I could literally tell you every single building, it's location on the campus, and what the building was used for. Lol I'm a nerd for history like this. Anyway, when we visited. It was just sooooo crazy to imagine what life was like there. We found shoes, hand written notes dated back to the 70's, social security papers, books, medical equipment, vending machines, computers, schedules from the 80's, clothes, and so much more. The place was just left after being forced to be shut down. Going there after knowing all the history about it was eye opening. I could feel the sadness and pain they felt. I even had an experience in the cafeteria where I had a serious cold chill from my feet up to my neck, and as soon as I went to say something to my girlfriend the double doors beside me starting shaking like someone was trying to get in/out. We were the only ones there and it wasn't windy. The handles were moving, we could see them. We run outside to get it back together (we were honestly scared lol) so I sit on a curb next to a storm drain, it's quiet for a minute but we heard voices coming out of the storm drain. Like mans voices talking about how to "move this one" and sounded like carts moving. I look around and realize we are right above where the tunnel to get to the morgue is. Idk if I believe in ghosts but man it was haunting lol.

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Location:Liverpool, Uk

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Location:Liverpool, Uk

Newsham Park Hospital dates back to the 19th century when it was originally The Liverpool Seamen's Orphan Institution, which later became a Hospital for patients with mental health issues.

There have been many reports of Paranormal activity at this location, one of the earliest reports dates back to when it was a hospital. A nurse reported seeing apparitions on several occasions. She was later discovered dead on the top of the staircase in the main corridor.

On one of the upper floors , there is a row of cupboards known as the naughty cupboards as this was were misbehaved children were put for hours as punishment. This area is believed to be haunted by a little boy who died whilst in one of the cupboards.

Other reports include : dragging noises, apparitions, disembodied voices , things going missing then turn up in a different part of the hospital.

Below is two pictures which claimed to have captured a spirit .

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