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"Looks who's back." Yolanda said once I entered the gym.

"Hey girl."

"You okay?" She asked with concern in her voice.

"You know you're the only friend I have?" She laughed at how I said it.


"What you doing later?"

"Nothing. You tryin to go out?"

"Hell to the yes. When you gone show me around this place? I be too scared a sista gone get lost if I go too far from the house." She laughed again.

"I got you girl."


"Girlfriend still not acting right?"

"We connect. We laugh and joke together. We eat together. Sex is amazing..."

"But?" She pressed.

"A month and we still haven't been out in public together as a couple."

"She still scared to tell her family?"

"Girl my woman is terrified."

"Damn I'm sorry." I sighed loudly.

"I can't wait until the day when she saids fuck what anyone think I'm in love. Let's have sex outside." She bust out laughing.

"What? Too much info?"

"A little."

"My bad. I'm just craving to kiss her in public. To hold her hand. We use to do that shit in Texas. Anywhere we were at she would kiss me. I dont know I guess she spoiled me."

"That's not being spoiled that's just a regular relationship. So she came here and changed huh?"

"Because shes afraid. It's mainly her mother. I dont think her siblings would care if they found out shes gay."

"Damn you do need a drink."

"Tell me about it." I sighed. "You would think with all the sex I have that I would be completely happy..."

"Sometimes it's the mind that needs stimulation."

"You ain't never lied."

"We gone go out tonight and have some fun."

"Good I could us some fun."

"Aside from that how are you feeling?"

"You mean the episode I had that day?"


"I'll tell you all about it when we go get our drinks." She nodded but I knew she was interested in my story. I needed to vent to someone and she was it.

"Are you still coming?" Nancy asked me that night. She begin coming home more early witch I greatly appreciated.

"No I'm not coming because my girlfriend haven't given me none in like two days." She frowned at me not understanding at first then shook her head.

"You nasty."

"Only with you my love." She laughed.

"I meant are you coming to the cookout still?"

"Yes." She nodded.


I stay in the house way too much. I'm always horny. At that time I remembered Recheal I wondered if she'd still give me that job. Couldn't hurt to ask. Knowing that Nancy was in the shower I call her.

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