Chapter 22

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I sit at my desk unable to work. Brandy didnt come home lastnight. She wouldn't return my calls or text. I guess I deserved it after doing the same thing to her. I just needed a minute. I guess I could have at least let her know that I was fine. I guess I was really the spoil brat that she use to call me. How could she love someone like me. I sigh. I had to find her and talk to her. Apologies to her for being "spoiled". I had called Recheal and she said she hadn't seen Brandy but once I called Yolanda she told me that Brandy had stayed over her house lastnight. She had no idea where she was now. And she still refused to answer any of my calls. I sigh. I just wanted to go out and find her. Kiss her and apologize to her. I look at the door once a knock came. I knew my mother knock from anyone else. She welcomed herself in and smiled a small smile at me. I returned the same smile.

"What's wrong?"

"I've been thinking about the conversation we all had about Brandy..." she paused.

"Okay?" I said confused.

"What's really going on between you two?"



I couldn't stop thinking about Nancy and how in such a short span things had gotten out of control. I missed her and I wanted and needed to see her. So instead of answering any of her calls or text I decided to get take out and make my way over to her office. I had grabbed a lot of food knowing that that woman didnt eat when she worked. She was probably starving. It took me no time to get to her office.

"Hello Allic." I said as I passed him. He leaned over kissing me on the cheek.

"Hello yourself beautiful." His eyes went to the food I had. "Smells good."

"I baught more than enough
You're more than welcomed to join."

"I'll take you up on that offer. I haven't eaten all day. I'll meet you in there let me just go to the bathroom." I nod my head and continue my way to Nancy's office. I was about to knock when I heard her talking. Not wanting to disturb what was going on I decided to wait.

"What what do you mean what's going on between us?" I heard Nancy say. From the tone of her voice I felt this wasnt a pleasant conversation. I didnt want to be noisy so I begin to walk away when I heard my name being motioned I passed.

"Why is Brandy really here?"

"I told you why shes here mom. To start fresh. You heard the story I told. She wanted to get away from Texas. And since I have that big ass house all to myself it wouldn't hurt to let her stay with me."

"Its been six months now. When is she moving out?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Dont raise your voice at me young lady."

"Sorry." She said in a low annoyed voice. "I just dont understand why her staying with me is a problem. What's wrong with it?"

"Is she and that Yolanda girl dating?" I pause. Why would she ask that? Who put that in her ear?

"I dont know. But would that be a problem if they were?"

"You know how I feel about gay relationships Nancy. That is not allowed in my household."

"Your household? You moved out remember. That house is mine. I'm not a homophobe mom. I can care less about Brandys sexuality." You tell her baby. I thought to myself as I continued to listen.

"I'm not going back and fourth with you. I want her out my house. And it is my house you're just staying there. Just like this company is me and your fathers you just work here."

"Is that so?" She said clamly.

"Yes that's so. You will be broke if it wasnt for me and your father." Damn that was a smack to the face. There was a pause then her mother hit her real question.

"Are you the one talking to Brandy?"

"What do mean?" Nancy asked playing dumb.

"I seen the way she acts around you. How she flirts with you. How you damn near attacked your brother the other day when he was near her."

"He's the reason for her damn PTSD mom. What do you mean? Instead of gettin at me and questioning who I'm with you should talk to your damn son and ask him why he put his hands on a woman."

"He was protecting you!"

"From a woman mom? I'd Brandy was actually hurting me dont you think I would have been able to protect myself? What gave him the right to fuckin choke her like that? He could have easily pushed her away but instead he choked her. That's okay to you? You worrying about if anyone is gay and you have a damn son that choked a damn woman. Get your morals straight."

"How dare you talk to me like that."

"The same way you're talking to me mom. You have to give respect in order to get it."

"You're my damn daughter..."

"I'm a grown ass woman to. You have a son that choke a woman damn near killing her. Dont come to me until you talk to him. Handle the big things first." She said in salty voice. I smiled. That was my baby. Finally growing some balls. The next thing she said had me at pause. "I'll tell her to leave." My pulse begin racing. Did I hear right?

"Tonight." Her mother said.

"Tonight." Nancy repeated.

"I knew you'd see it my way. Gay people are not the way of God. I don't want you hanging around people like that."

"You're right. Shes gone by tonight." I suddenly dropped the bag I had in my hand and turned to leave bumping into Allic.

"I'm sorry. I gotta go."

"What's wrong?" He asked. I couldn't speak. I hurried out of there not wanting to be spotted by Nancy. "Brandy..."



"What's going on?" I asked as I exited my office. I almost stepped on the bag that was laying on th floor.

"Brandy just left. She came here to have lunch with you. She just left. She look as if she was crying."

"Fuck..." I place my hands on top of my head. She heard me. She heard everything.

"What's going on?" Allic asked confused.

"Good now you dont have to tell her. She probably went to pack up right now." My mother said. Sucking my teeth I rushed off. "Where are you going?" I ignored her. I couldn't deal with her right now. I had to go to my girlfriend. Fuck what was I going to do? Here I was trying to impress my mother with telling her I was going to ask Brandy to leave and she was listening. She probably thought it was real. Dear God I couldn't lose her.

Let me know what y'all think about this chapter? Do you think this fight to stay together is worth it or should Brandy just move on? I feel I should have put the mother into the story more so it could be better understood as to how she really feels. Idk. But please vote and comment. Share if you like. Next chapter coming right up.

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