Chapter 21

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"So you attacked a woman?" Recheal nearly snapped at Edward.

"It was an accident."

"How the fuck is it an accident to put your hands on a woman?"

"Recheal we all got at him for what he did..." Allic tried to explain.

"Do y'all all know what PTSD is? Do you know what the fuck a panic attack is? Theres no coming back from that. You can't reverse that shit. And you're the reason she has these attacks? What the fuck? You're okay with this?" She asked me and I frowned angrily at her.

"Of course I'm not. But what do I do? He's my damn brother."

"So the fuck what."

"So you gone disown me now because of a mistake?"

"I would have encouraged her ass to press charges against you. That's what the fuck I would have done. How the hell she let you get off without any form of consequences is beyond me. You fuckin choked her Edward. Why the fuck am I the only one angry about this?" She glared at me again. "Because shes staying with you. She didn't do anything because she staying with you. And yet she still come around yall like nothing ever fuckin happened. What the fuck is wrong with her?" She gave her attention back to Edward. "I dont know what's been going on with you these last few years but for you to put your hands on her...there is no excuse. And I dont know about any of them but your sorry doesn't cut it with me. You lucky I dont have the power to get your ass locked up."

"You wouldn't do that to your brother so stop it." There mother butt in.

"Yes the fuck I would..."

"And stop cursing! You need to clam down. Edward is sorry for what he's done. Hes tried to apologize mutable times but she wont allow him near her..."

"I wonder why?" Recheal continued. "She allows Allic near her why not Eddy? I seen her have these panic attacks. That woman can't even control herself when she has them."

"Recheal Eddy is not the reason for Brandys attacks." They all looked at me. "The PTSD yes but not the panic attacks. She developed that back in Texas just before she moved here."


"She was attacked just a few weeks before coming here."

"Who attacked her?"

"Some guy. He had this fascination of her and one day he beat her and tried to rape her." Everyone gasp. I didn't want to tell this story. I wanted it to stay in Texas but I felt I had to explain in order for them to understand. "One day she comes to my house and pass out on my lawn. When I get to her shes all bloody and had bruises and...I just didn't recognize her. That's how badly he beat her. After she got out of the hospital I allowed her to stay with me to recoup... the guy broke out of jail and came after her again."

"What the fuck? Why didn't you say anything about this?" Recheal asked.

"She wanted to start over. She didnt want to bring that drama here. So we just never brung it up. After the second time he came after her we were put into protective custody until they caught him."

"What the hell Nancy. You should have told us this. He come after you also?"

"He found out where she was witch was at my place. He broke in but we got out before he got to us. He just quickly grew obsessed with her. Tried to kill her more than once."

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