Chapter 33

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"What happened?" Evalyn asked as she got to Recheal who was still a wreck. She begin crying again when seeing the rest of her family coming in. "Recheal..." Evalyn said. She was panicing also. I watch as there father goes to Allic and Eddy. Hes talking to them but Allic brakes down also. I know how close he and Nancy where. Out of all the siblings he and Nancy where very close. His father pulls him into a tight hug.

"Its going to be okay son." He said as tears where running down his face also. I look at there mother she was the only one that wasnt crying. Could she be that angry that her daughter was gay that her not being here on earth was okay with her? She did look to be in shock and everyone did have there own way of handling things. But it seemed everyone had a heart but her. Once Evalyn goes to her brother's to talk to them i go back to Recheal and wrap my arms around her from behind.

"Nancy's going to pull through. I know she is." I said as she leand her body more into mine. So far the doctor didn't come out for either Nancy or Brandy. Most of the time that was a good thing. I just prayed that Brandy made it through this. She was the only true friend I've had in years. She is the reason i went from being lonely to having a woman in my life that i loved so much. I suddenly thought about Allison. Did anyone call her to tell her what happened? I didnt have her number. There was no way i could get in touch with her right now. Everything was happening so fast at one point now it seemed everything was moving in slow motion. We've been at the hospital for two hours now and still nothing. I just sat and held Recheals hand as we all quietly waited. We all looked when the door opened and the doctor walked out. We all stood. The doctor went to there parents.

"Nancy pulled through. She has a terrible concussion. The next two, three days is very crucial. Right now its not safe to say that she will pull through completely but for now? She is breathing and we had to medically induce her due to swellingof the brain."

"Whats wrong with her?" There father asked.

"She had a terrible blow to the head. There was no internal bleeding We thought that her neck may be broken but x-ray shows that its not. We won't be for sure to tell if she is paralyzed until she wakes up."

"Paralyzed?" There mother said in a broken voice.

"I'm sorry thats all I have right now." The doctor explained.

"Can we see her?" Evalyn asked.

"Its best to allow her to rest. Maybe tomorrow will be okay but right now..." he shook his head.

"What about Brandy?" I asked. The doctor shook his head and my heart stopped.

"She lost so much blood. We have her in ICU. Her heart stopped multiple times. Suprisingly she has no broken bones. Her lungs were filled with liquid. Once we cleared them she went into cardiac arrest again. With all the blood she lost we thought for sure we lost her. I honestly do not know how shes still alive." I silently thanked God as tears slid down my face. "That woman is a fighter. She has a less chance at surviving then Nancy does. I dont know if shell make it threw the night. She needs a blood transfusion to even get that chance. So if any of you would like to get tested to see if your a match for her then that will be great. That woman..." I watch as the doctor himself faught back tears. "Im sorry. Whomever did this to them needs to be buried alive. I just baught a house from her. And she looked so happy. She was telling me about her life and how she was going to purpose to her girlfriend. She told me all her plans. I was so happy for her. Shes the sweetest girl ive ever met. She doesn't deserve this. No one does but she is here alone. She moved here to be with her girlfriend and this happens? Some people are just the devil themselves." After a moment of silence we all got tested to see if we were a match to Brandy. Out of all of us no one matched. Poor Brandy. "Theres no one else?" The doctor asked. "No one else can get tested?"

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