Chapter 11

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I was unable to sleep. Not even with the alcohol I had in my system. Tonight was fun though. I'm glad me and Brandy were friends. I knew that she was a genuine person. I loved that about her. People like her was rear these days. Too bad she and I couldn't be together. When I first saw her when she first walked into the gym I knew I had to get to know her. She was so beautiful. My heart sanked when she told me that she had a girlfriend. I was grateful we remained friends after that. I was slowly but surely getting over my crush with her. And she was funny as fuck. I smiled at the remembrance of today. Her and Racheal was close. They made it seem as if they've known each other forever when in reality they only just began getting close. I was still crushing on Brandy but when I seen how cool Nancy was my crush slowly begin to die down even more. I would have still hooked up with Brandy even though she had a girl but she wasnt the cheating type and like I said Nancy was cool. I liked her. I couldn't be in any part of messing that up. I hadn't had a good friend in a while and I wasn't going to ruin what I did have now.

Then after seeing Racheal my crush damn near completely died. Racheal was beautiful. She was cool. And funny also. Tall. I loved tall women I just couldn't see my ass with a short woman. I did not want to bend down to kiss anyone. Although she tries to hide it she had a crush on me and I her. I would love to see where this thing went with me and her. I definitely wanted to take it slow. I was looking for a relationship not just a quick fuck. I hoped she wanted the same.

But I did have to admit that with the way she looked at me made my pussy throb. I haven't had none in years. Not that I couldn't get it. I just wanted something serious. I wanted to go on dates and one day come home and my baby be there waiting for me.

I made my way to the kitchen and down a glass of water. What I really needed was some nitequle. I could barely ever sleep these days. Just a lot of stress these days been taking a toll on my health. Mentally and emotionally. I only wished that I could over come it. I paused at the sound of footsteps coming this way and smiled when I seen that it was Racheal. God this woman was beautiful.

I hoped she was feeling me like I was her. My pulse begin racing and all she did was smile at me. I wasnt wearing a bra now. I hoped she didnt see how my nipples reacted to her presence. I had to admit that when Brandy told me about her I was a little apprehensive. I hated blind dates but being around such cool people made me loosen up a lot. Man she was a laid back woman and I loved that shit. She was beautiful but she wasn't conceded or anything. She had money but didn't flunt it. I wondered why she was single. What was her story? Maybe we would go on a date one day and she could tell me about herself. She said she knew me. I wondered how? When she was close enough so that I could talk in a low voice I said.

"How did you know I owned that gym?"

"I tried to buy it and you out bid me."

"Wow. Really?" I smiled.

"Yeah. I remember because I knew the realtor you worked with and I just had to be nosy and see who was the ass that stole my gym from me." I laughed at her words.

"I'm sorry."

"Its okay. But when I seen it was you I wanted to ask you out not caring if you were into women or not but then a man appeared beside you and you hugged and kissed him and I assumed he was your husband."

"That was my lawyer."

"Well damn. I should have persuaded you then."

"I would have said yes."

"Is that so?" I nodded my head. "That's good to know now." She reached up and begin gently playing with the shirt I was wearing. I was grateful for the over size shirt Brandy let me borrow but it still didnt hide how my body begin reacting to this woman in front of me. How did I want her so much so soon? We only just met. Damn was I this horny? My breathing was labored and I hated that she could so easily get me discombobulated like this. I took a step back and she smiled a crooked smile.

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