Chapter 29

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"You mind telling whats going on with you?" Recheal asked me as we sat at the kitchen table.

"I just wanna go to bed."

"You going back to Texas?" She asked as if I didnt just say I wanted to go to bed. "And what is this thing about someone following you?"

"Im just losing my mind Recheal. I really think I am."

"Why do you say that?"

"I was walking earlier and I could have sworn a car was following me. Every turn I made the car made and it stayed behind me and the lights was off. I didnt let it be known that I thought it was following me out of fear that it would try to run me over. After so many turns I ended up at the police station. I got lucky to see it. After I began making my way there the car speed off."

"What did the car look like?"

"All I know is it was a light color. White or a light tan. Other than that I don't know what kind of car. I was too afraid to look."

"So there was really someone out there following you?" Yolanda asked.

"I really just think im losing my mind."

"But if you saw it then it happened."

"I guess. I don't know."

"Why are you acting like this?" Recheal asked worried.

"Lets say Yolandas brother attacks you and causes you to have PTSD. Would you still be able to live with her?" She paused.

"I don't know. But what I can say is that if I was Nancy and you were my girl there is no way I would try to force you to forgive my brother for what he's done to you. In fact he wouldn't even be allowed back in my house. I wanted to kill him after what I found out what he did to you. But Nancy was more sheltered than any of us ever was as a child. Now as an adult her being sheltered caused her not to understand what should and shouldn't be done at a curent moment." I lay my head on the table. Like Recheal I would feel the same way she does.

"I can't ask her to never allow Bear in her house. What kind of girlfriend would I be?"

"First what kind of girlfriend would you be if you left back to Texas and second who the hell is Bear?" I laughed for the first time since seeing him in the kitchen.

"Bear is your brother."

"Why do you call him that?"

"Because he almost killed me and hes big as hell."

"He is big as hell." Yolanda agreed.

"I wanna forgive him. Or at least be able to talk to him in a civilized way but I can't. Flashes of what happened to me back in Texas come rushing back every time I see him. All I have to do is just hear his voice. He reminds me so much of Sean." A tear slid down the side of my face. "They were the same size. They even sound the same. How can I stay in a relationship with her when I fear her brother? I don't know what to do."

"First she shouldn't have put this on you. And I have to suggest counselling for you Brandy. You have to get help or this will truly drive you crazy."

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