Chapter 32

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After coming from work I showed Nancys house and the people and they decided to put an offer on it. I would have to run it by Nancy. But I was sure she would be able to get more for the house. After that i then run to the sex store to buy some things because ya girl was interested in all new everything qhen it came to the bedroom or sex in general. As im making my way from the store I spot no one other rhan the gorgeous Yolanda. As much as we us to talk when we firat met it now felt like forever since we spoke even though it really wasn't that long ago. I seen as she made her way to the hair salon.

"Hello gorgeous." I call after her and she smiled once she spotes me.

"Hey yourself." She said then gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Hair salon huh?"

"Yeah girl. Time to switch it up a bit. You coming in?"

"Yeah." I follow her inside and look around. "They take walk-ins?"

"Yeah if they have an open spot." They immediately took Yolanda and i sat down looking at the magazines. I didnt know if i should get my hair done or not. Honestly no one has touched my hair but me since going natural. That was almost four years ago.

"So she with you?" I hear the hairdreaser that was doing Yolandas hair ask.


"Shes beautiful."

"Yes she is." Yolanda agreed with a chuckle.

"How long you two been dating?" The women ask and i look up smiling. I knew she thought we were together as in a relationship.

"We're not together like that. Shes just my girl. As in friend."

"What?" The women said suprised. "You ain't try to get that?" Yolanda laughed.

"Believe me i tried. Shes in a relationship."



"When you gone get in a relationship? Ive been doing your hair for two years now."

"Im in a relationship." She pulls out her phone and show her a picture asuming it was one of Recheal.

"Damn. Shes beautiful to." The woman said after studying it.

"She is. Her girlfriend." She said as she point to me. "And my girlfriend are sisters."


"You getting your hair done hun?" Another hairdresser asked me.

"Sure." I said making a quick decision. I make my way over sitting down.

"What would you like done?"

"Just a silk press."

"Silk press coming right up." The woman saids.

"When is the last time you got your hair done?" Yolanda asked me.

"Almost four years now."

"Damn. Why so long?" Her hairdresser asked.

"Went natural and was picky about anyone touching it." I said chuckling. I was under the drier when Yolanda got finished with her hair. We told each other we will catch up with one another again and she left. We were going to see eachother again. I had to go to Recheals house to drop off some papers then I was going home to my baby.

Once i made it to Recheal house i smile at Yolanda when the door swings open.

"Damn your hair is long." She saids as she reach over touching it. "She did a good job."

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