Chapter 9

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"Trying to go to lunch with me?" Recheal asked.

"Nope." I said as I went threw the files on my desk not bothering to look at her. She has yet to stop flirting with me and trying to get me to go on a date with her. A month I've been working here and she just wouldn't let up. I had to give it to her though she was persistent. I guess the whole family was because I remember Nancy use to be just like that when we first met.

"Come on it's just lunch."

"Not when it comes to you it's not." She laughed.

"I'm your boss."

"Nice to meet you boss." I said and she laughed.

"Brandy it's just lunch."

"I thought I asked you not to flirt with me."

"This is not flirting just a lunch brake." I signed.

"Recheal please..."

"I don't get it. Why won't you go out with me?"

"Its not you okay...?"

"Don't hit me with that it's not you it's me speech. I know that all too well. I've used that line before."

"Everyone has. But I have issues ya know?"

"Everyone does." I sigh.

"I don't want to hurt you Racheal."

"You won't."

"I really truly can't date you."

"Why can't you? You with someone already." I must have given her a knowing look because her mouth dropped. "You are dating someone."

"I didnt say that."

"You didnt have to. It's all on your face. Why didnt you say anything about it?"

"I dont know what you're talking about." I said still playing dumb.

"Then go out with me if you're not dating anyone."

"No." She sighed.

"Fine. Starve then." She said and I laughed.

"I'm not hungry. In bed or for lunch." I said and she gaped at me.

"Who's the lucky girl?"

"I was just joking." I lied. "It was a joke. It's just your my boss. And I've told you this before but mixing buisness with pleasure is a big ass no no for me. Now if you'll excuse me please let me get back to work before my boss fires me." She smiled.

"Okay. Next time maybe you'll come to your sinses."

"Nope. My since is clear thank you."

"Well whoever she is she is lucky and I'm haten." She said before walking away. I couldn't help but smile. I had to get this woman off my back. She was coming on stronger and stronger everyday. I had to hurry and do something about it. I suddenly froze and smiled when an idea came to me. Pulling out my cell I called Yolanda.

"Hey gorgeous what's up?"

"Hey hun. Quick question."

"Lay it on me."

"You're single right?" There was a pause.

"Ah yeah I am. Are you single?" I laughed.

"No girl I'm not asking for me."

"Damn just my luck."

"I do know someone that's single though."

"Ou trying to play match maker are we?"

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