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If any mistakes are made do NOT bash me

Amani Monae Greene|Mani
January 28th,2021|8:16p.m

"Hello me not know

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"Hello me not know." I head kayla talking as I seen her on the phone.

"Why you got my phone , hello." I took it from her putting it to my ear.

"Hold up you said what ?" I moved the covers off me making a confused face.

"Wha- please save him what do you mean yall are trying and he losing alot of blood !" I said panicking.

"No no no I'm on my way." I hung up.

"This can't be happening right now god." I get up wiping my face.

"What's wrong nini ?" Kayla looked at me.

"Nothing go put your shoes on tell kai and Jay to put theirs on too."

"Otay kaiiii jayyyy!" She climbed off the bed backwards running out the room.

"Its always some !" I put my jacket and slides on calling terica.

"Hel- what's wrong ?" She scrunched her face up

"They shot tae 3 times , I don't know what to doo they saying it's a possibility of him not making it due to all the blood he's losing- I just don't knoww." I bust out crying.

"Mani calm down , tae a fighter . Just go up there and see what's going on , I'll be up there tomorrow I don't have the car right now."

"Okay." I hung up grabbing moura baby bag leaving out of my room.

"Yall ready." I peeked in they room.

"Me is." Kai jumped up.

"Okay go down stairs." I said going in moura room getting her out the crib as she started whining.

"I know tink." I patted her back leaving out.

"Come on." I told them going down the stairs out the door.


"Um I'm here for Deontae White." I went up to the desk.

"He can't have visitors right now you will have to sit in the waiting room with the rest."

"That's fine."

"Floor 8 your first left."

"Okay thank you , come on yall." I walked to the elevator pressing the button.

"Me scared of this." Kai shook his head.

"Scary cat." Jay laughed."

"Yall right now is not the time to play." I pressed 8.

"But but me like to plway." Kai folded his arms.

"Kai please don't start." I walked off the elevator.

"But me me wanted to plway and you said no." He rubbed his eye.

"Stop with all that crybaby shit" Mat told him as I sat moura bag and carseat down.

"Bish." He hit him.

"So what the fuck happen ?" I looked at all them.

"War , and tae got shot." Mac shrugged.

"You shrugging like this shit don't matter , tae in there fighting for is laughing and you saying he got shot all calm and shit !"

"Man calm down." Mat told me.

"Ain't nofucking calm down you right along with this shit Matthew. I'm tired if going through this shit , every other month somebody getting shot or damn killed that's close to me."

"Man tae straight you just going over and beyond." Jah shook his head.

"This yo brother , you wouldn't know how it feel to lose a brother until you lose him to fucking gun violence. Tae in there damn near fin to die and yall saying it's cool and okay. I know how the fuck it feel to lose a brother momma and all that shit ! But it's cool and okay ??" I said as a nurse walked out as my heart dropped

"Before you open yo mouth please tell me he is okay." I closed my eyes.

"His surgery went well , we got all of the bullets out of him before they traveled near the spinal area to make him paralyzed. There is alot of bleeding going on that we're trying to fix now. You can come back tomorrow . We have to preform another surgery tomorrow . Hopefully he wakes up with no problem."

"what do you mean hopefully ?"

"Theres a possibility of him not waking up, and a possibility that he wakes up with temporary short memory lost."

"Okay thank you, so your saying I can't go back their ?"

"I'm sorry ma'am but only his mom and wife can go back there .

"Aht aht she is his wife look at the finger dahell." Yaya held my hand up.

"Oh okay but visiting hours are over at 8 are you sure you want to go back there still ?" She made a confused face.

"Duh I want to." I scrunched my face up at her.

"Kids aren't allowed."

"Its okay I'll take them with me." Rae said.

"Okay." I said following the nurse.

"I'll be back in 30." She left out as I sat down in the dim room by tae taking a deep breath seeing all these machines connected to him.

"I told you to be careful and you went against what I said." I shook my head.

"Nun of this wouldn't have happened if you would have just stayed. Now i have to worry about you waking up being able to remember me and the rest of us."

"This not right nor does it feel right seeing you here once again."

"I just want you to make it through this... I want you to wake and be able to remember everything you've been through that made you the person you was today . You can't leave me now . Not right now atleast I love you tooo much for you to be gone out of my life...especially right now." I sniffed.

"What happen to me and you gone on this rocket journey to get to our happiness , with a plan with no doubt ? You told me you was gone be here for me at times like this when I'm down bad and I promised you the same. Tae you can't go out sad like this. I mean every word that come out of my mouth , all opps must lay and they gone lay for you, I love you tae." I kissed him and left out wiping my face.

"I was just coming to tell you your time is up." The nurse smiled at me.

"I can sit in there as long as I want." I walked past her going to the elevator.

My journey has started...

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