An unhealthy obsession nagito x reader x mikan

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Those two are the only two characters I can think of within the same game that would stalk someone

Mikan has been stalking you without you knowing for quite some time now. She watches you from a distance and takes notes on everything you do so she can be perfect as a future wife (your sexuality will not matter cause she will not care, sorry straight females and gay men and other genders that don't like females or just don't like anyone at all)

They call it creeping, I say loving, it's the only way for me

She would be WAY too shy to talk to you so she 'admires' you from a distance..... all the time

Filling out the papers

Probably wedding papers

Signing waivers but I stay outside his/her/their reach

She's too shy

I name your mother

She knows your mothers name is (m/n) (if she exists in your life, or your dad is gay)

I name your father

She knows your father (f/n) (if he is apart of your life, or your mother is a lesbian)

And the first pet that you keep

She knows your pet (p/n)  (if you have one)

I know your favourite place to dine at when your cheque comes in each week

She follows your schedule

I know you do your wash on Sunday's and you separate your whites

She watched you from the corner as you do whatever

And that car needs a new tire cos last week I laid those spikes

What? She needed you to have a excuse to not show up!

I've got a million Polaroids with all the dates penned in red ink

Yes she is counting

I sneak a walkie-talkie in your room to listen to you sleep

Why do you think she's always tired? She too busy listening to your sleeping habits (if you say you have none I will not believe you)

You just don't know it yet but you love me!

She doesn't care who your with!

And I love you the same!

She doesn't care what laws she is breaking!

One day we'll have a pretty wedding and I'll be your everything!!

She will make sure you are waiting for her at the end of the isle!

We'll be together

She will kill

Yes forever

She will torture

We will never be apart

In the name of her love for you!

(Mate you ain't getting out of this one)

Oh you don't know it yet but baby I've already got your heart

She knows you love her!

(The reader doesn't love you!)

Some call it stalking I say walking to extremely close behind

Nagito however is quiet different when it comes to him stalking you without you knowing

I'm sure if I sat down and asked you well you really wouldn't mind

He is friends with you and he hangs out with you after he 'accidentally' bumps into you often and he follows you around

You've got this eyes that drive me crazy

Oh boy does he love your eyes (reader I don't give a shit if they are brown or disgusting, roll with it!)

And I've got eyes to watch you sleep

Oh yeah he also sneaks around your house when you have a 'sleepover' as he likes to put it

I brought a pack lunch and some coffee for my stakeouts in your tree outside your house

This is what I mean by his meaning or 'sleepover'

Gotta be as quiet as a mouse or else you'll call the police

Don't act like you wouldn't

And I'll get done for something stupid like disturbance of the peace

He would try to keep in his laughter of being able to stalk you and see you with his eyes only at night

And piece by piece I am collecting all the things you left behind

Those times when you world visit and leave things behind...

And those times he snuck out to your house

And when you don't I rummage through your bins to see what I can find

He's probably the type or yandere to steal a apple you bit and make out with it

You just don't know it yet

They both know that they both stalk you

But you love me and I love you the same

They both stalk you in their own special way

One day we'll have a pretty wedding

They battle each other for who can have you walk down the isle

And I'll be your everything

And who can grow old and die with you

We'll be together

Nagito warns you about Mikan

Yes forever

And Mikan warns you about Nagito

We will never ever part

Nagito will never leave your side while you two are walking down the beach

Oh you don't know it yet

And Mikan will never let you leave her glance while you walking around

But baby I've already got your heart

Who will win your heart

You just don't know it yet but you love me and you love me the same

Who's gonna be able to cuddle you first

One day we'll have a pretty wedding and I'll be your everything

Who's gonna be the first to see you in white (even suits are white I ain't assuming that you will wear white at your wedding)

We'll be together, yes forever, we'll never be apart

Who's going to be able to have a baby with you (either by pregnancy or adoption)

Oh you don't know it yet but baby I've already got your heart

Who's going to be the first to claim you as theirs.

Words: 1045

Remember kids if your being stalked CALL THE POLICE

No matter if it's a relative, friend, partner or some random stranger it's never okay to stalk.

They never turn out good. Even if you don't have proof that someone is talking you or you aren't sure go to the police they aren't going to bark at you for being worried about the risk of your mental state and your privacy.

Stalking can come in many different shapes and sizes, online, in real life, during school, whatever it is, it is never okay and there are no exceptions to stalking people.

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