Nagito x reader car sex

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Nobody ever requests (other then for me to do their oc executions) so I'm just taking matters into my hands and doing my own requests (plus I find it kinda boring to post a request chapter after making people wait ages for me to get of my sorry ass)

Also I'mma make you drive the car, try not to crash it.


You and Nagito are in the car on your way home after being at Chiaki's place for a gaming meet up with everyone. Of course it was night time

(For the sake of it making sense Chihiro made a ai in the real world, you know the thing we all wish did happen)

Since you were focused on the rode you didn't notice your shirt unbuttoned itself and your trousers unzipped itself

(Is that just me or...? Also you were forced to dress formal, since it's a meet up)

Of course Nagito did notice, since he was staring at your chest

(Before you say anything, you don't need boobs to have a chest)

He was feels kinda horny after during the gaming you kept on wiggling around on his lap cause you were playing a shooting game, but of course he couldn't fuck you in front of everyone.

So instead he's debating to fuck you in the car

(Your house is a hour away give this boy from credit)

He snuck his hand on your lap and in between your legs making you flinch for a second.

"I'm driving!" You jumped in surprise.

Of course he wasn't listening he just kept on teasing you.

You being the 'sensible' adult you parked the car on a stop

(You're on a motor way with those free lanes where you can park your car and van)

You stopped the car and took the keys out, as you did you instantly moaned in pleasure at the feeling of Nagito's fingers in between your legs.

You pulled his arm away "sooo.... backseat then"

Nagito smirked and quickly went to the backseat.

He was sitting on the middle while you were on his lap with your legs in a W position.

He started by having a quick make out session with you while his arms were around your waist and yours was on his chest.

And your imagination can go on from there cause it is 9:30 and I'm tired

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