Very important note (please read)

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It's very important you read this cause this is very important and it could save your life

There is this new thing going around called the 'blue whale game' it's like the momo game and it was a thing in the best, it disappear but now it's back

It's a suicide game that is going on in social media.

They will message you and ask if you wanna play

If you say no your fine but if you say yes then your screwed

They will ask you to do horrific things like cute yourself etc and in the end they will ask you to drown your self. If you refuse any of these after saying yes then they will threaten you by saying they will kill you and kidnap your family.

People have died from this game either by murder or suicide so please don't play it.

Our best bet is private your accounts on social media cause of pride fall and this game and to not accept friend requests from people you don't know.

Please stay safe out there

Edit: if they message you just delete the dm and ignore it cause from what I heard they can get your ip by you messaging back or/and blocking them. So don't say anything and just delete the dm

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