Danganronpa ages

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So I searched up the drv3 characters age

And it said they are 15-16 so they would be a year younger then the warriors of hope

And like a idiot I made my oc related to one of the characters from sdr2 so I had to do the maths.

Since google said that the sdr2 characters were born in 1991 (idk if it's right or not)

And drv3 came out in 2015

So then their would be 24 years apart

Then the sdr2 characters would be 44-45 during drv3

So I couldn't make my oc their sister since the characters parents are dead (don't try and guess please)

So now I need to imagine they are a daughter cause I kinda made my oc the same hair and eye color as the character.... shit.

Then if sdr2 characters would be 44-45 then that would mean the THH characters would be 38-39.

So then that would make the warriors of hope 17-18.

So then the drv3 characters were bone in 2000 since they are apparently 15-16.

And apparently komaru is 16-18 so then Komaru would be 40-42
So then Komaru would be. Then again google tells lies and they said maybe so I am most likely wrong.

Nobody knows their true age since no age was ever mentioned in any of the games except for hagakure.

I may be Asian but I'm shit at maths 😂

So here's some knowledge for you that might help with oc's to either make one or update it for the sake of the danganronpa plot.

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