I was dared to do this

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Just ignore this.

My friend dared me to and I think I need to take their phone away at this point

Who's your husbando?

Asano gakushuu from assassination classroom

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Asano gakushuu from assassination classroom

Who's your waifu?

Susie from Delta rune

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Susie from Delta rune

What anime am I currently watching

Assassination classroom. Idk why but for three days now I've been pulling all nighters just to see season 2 from episode 5-final episode

What anime am I waiting for another season?

A bunch but the one I'm most desperate about is Ouran host club

My favourite anime

Demon slayer

My least favorite character anime

I don't hate this anime but when I watched it I got bored very easily

I don't hate this anime but when I watched it I got bored very easily

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My least favourite anime character from that anime

I don't hate her, but I saw no point in her being in the anime

I don't hate her, but I saw no point in her being in the anime

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Don't get me wrong she's nice and she's respectful

However I just saw no point in her being there

My least favorite ship that for some odd reason is popular

Seriously why is this the most popular ship in the ib fandom

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Seriously why is this the most popular ship in the ib fandom.

She's fucking 9

He's a full grown adult

What fandom am I in that is considered dead?

Ib fandom

Are you a fujoshi?

If your a Fujoshi then leave my book right now

Being gay is a sexuality not a fetish

At what are did you start seeing anime?

I grew up on it instead of cartoons considering I grew up in Japan and anime is just the Japanese word for cartoons (and the French word strangly enough)

What language am I fluent in?

English, Japanese and French (I guess)

What character so most people hate but you love?

What character so most people hate but you love?

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Do you have a backgroud key board?

Do you have a backgroud key board?

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Yes I do

Are you dead?

Mentally or physically?

I mean are you breathing?


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