Story plot idea

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It's 3:53am

I haven't had any sleep

And I just thought of this

You know how just the middle finger means "fuck you"

But the middle finger with the thumb means "fuck me"

I thought of this plot line for x readers feel free to use it but credit me cause I'm doing this tomorrow and you'd be surprised how easy it is to notice if someone stolen a plot.

So the reader tends to pull the middle finger at people but with people he or she or they or whatever you do with the pronouns in your book like they pull the middle finger with the thumb out.

And one day somebody notices that little detail that with that one person the reader pulls out the middle finger as well as the thumb but with everyone else it's just the middle finger.

If you want this idea then the rest is up to you.

If your gonna use this plot (probably won't but oh well) then I won't mind as long as you credit me.

Right now it's 4:07am (a saving issue happened and I had to write this chapter all over again) so I'm doing it tomorrow.

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