Why "UWU rat boy" is unacceptable

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I can't believe this needs to be explained, I have muted and blocked people over this

The whole situation of kokichi and nagito being "UWU rat boys"

If you think this is a good thing to say then gtf out of my book

First of all, rat is a racist term for Asians and danganronpa was made in Japan, a Asian place.

If you call them rats then your bring racists, it's basically like a white person saying the n word in front of a black person.

You can say it when on about the animal rats but not when your talking about a Asian.

The reason why it is a racist term is because don't forgive us Asians have a brown ish (almost gold) skin tone to us, and of course back in the old times any skin tone other then white seen as unacceptable.

Like how the n word was mean to describe African Americans. Rat was meant to describe Asian back in those time.

The reason why it's racist to call a Asian a rat is the same reason why it's racist to call a black person the n word.

Danganronpa originated from Japan, Japan is a Asian country.

If you still think it's okay to call Nagito and Kokichi rat boys they you either leave or I'm blocking you instantly, no excuses and no second chances.

Edit: if you don't believe me


Like it said in ww2 japsnese people were called rats

They were often drawn rat like.

Hence why it became a slur over the years and became a racist thing to say.

Just because they are anime characters doesn't change shit

Danganronpa/sdra2/dra one shots Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora