Peko x daredevil reader

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I totally wasn't looking at fanfiction and tik toks all day instead of doing requests 😅


You were the ultimate daredevil. You were known well for your stunts and tricks and basically having no fear in whatever you were doing.

A little of input on your past, you are Peko's childhood friends. Being the sap you are you fell in love with peko but you haven't seen her since middle school, and you never confessed to her. (you pussy!)

However, it's been years since then, right now your at the amusement park for ideas for your new stunt that you are planning to do in public.

A certain rollercoaster caught your eye and a light bulb went on over your head like the cartoons. You were gonna invite peko to your act and confess to her instead of being a pussy.

You went back home and went to call Peko to meet up. She said yes she went over to your place.

The door bell rang and you instantly went to the door to reveal Peko with a smile on her face. Out of excitement you hugged her and course she hugged back.

You told her about the new act you were planning and asked her to come see it, she said yes so you told her where it was and what time you would be there

Time skip to the act cause I can't think of anything

You were midway into the act of doing parkour at a very high place (I have no ideas okay).

People were watching in excitement, people were clapping and gasping at your parkour.

For the final act you got yourself down and invited peko onto the stage away from the audience.

You said you liked her in front of anyone and if course she said yes cause come on who could say no to a confession like that.

And you both lived happily ever after

Me yelling in the background: until one of you die's and your left alone for the rest of your life!

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