I got tagged

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Why throughout the months I have been tagged so I listen to this one today? Not even I know

Why throughout the months I have been tagged so I listen to this one today? Not even I know

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1. One thing you cannot leave the house without.

My inhaler

2. Favourite brand of make up

I don't wear make up so I don't know any

3. Favourite flowers

Lotus flower

Lotus flower

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4. Favourite clothes store

It's called blue banana, if you're a goth I highly recommend it

5. Favourite perfume

I'm asthmatic so I kind of can't have perfume

6. Heels or flats

Heels, not high heels though

7. Do you make good grades

I'm Asian I have to have good grades or I will get beat

8. Favourite colour


9. Do you drink energy drinks

I have insomnia so I have energy drinks to help keep me awake in school

10. Do you drink juice?


11. Do you like swimming

I can't swim.

12. Do you eat fries with a fork?

Nope, never have never will

13. What's your favourite moisturiser

I don't have a certain type but I know this type that makes you smell like blueberries and it makes your skin really soft

14. Do you want to get married later on in life

I don't think anyone wants to get with someone who will never want to have sex with them.

15. Do you get mad easily

Usually no, it depends on the subject but that's rare

16. Are you a ghost hunter?


17. Any phobias

I have a bunch but the main one that effects me the most on a daily basis is the phobia to sound.

It volume or who is talking doesn't matter it's just any kind of sound I have a phobia to

18. Do you bite your nails?

Yes, it's a habit

19. Have you ever had a near death experience?

A bunch, I literally have a metal spine here after it was removed (my Bnha story readers will know that story)

20. Do you drink coffee

Yes, to keep me awake

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