Hold on 2

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So when someone has sex with people it's a problem

But me being asexual and not having sex with someone is also a problem

Seriously society make up your mind


So someone with 3 holes in between their legs wears a skirt they're fine

But when someone with 2 holes in between their legs wears a skirt it's apparently weird

Wtf it's a piece of clothes it's not like their showing off they're dick in public


They say homosexuality is not "normal" yet

In the animal kingdom homosexual couples are actually common

Since heterosexual animals are too busy reproducting they abandon their child

So the homosexual animals come in and take care of the baby animal since homosexual animal couples can't reproduce they can take care of the baby

So with people who are meant to be the smartest animals on earth, they at the only animals that don't support homosexuals even though homosexual couples help a tone with the animal kingdom (in fact more then half of the baby animals would probably be dead cause nobody could protect them)


How come a black guy gets put into jail for life all because a white girl DREAMED of him raping her

Yet a white guy that murdered and raped (with video proof) 35 woman gets put into jail for a couple of months


"I said whoever threw that tear gas your mom's a hoe"


They say adults are smarter then children

Yet the gen z's are at least 15 or above and they actually have the brain to fight for equal rights


They use the Bible as a excuse to be racist and homophobic even through

1. Jesus was a black man

2. There is a gay couple (Jonathan and David) in the Bible

3. Jesus defended a black guy

4. The day they treat the 'fixed fabric socks is a sin' the same way they treat 'being gay is a sin' is the day I will accept that being homophonic is for "religious reasons"


Yeah we all love danganronpa and that's fine but.....

Are y'all just gonna turn a blind eye that the creator lewded minors?

It will never make sense to me that some people hate teruteru yet they love kazuichi

The only reason why Kazuichi went to the beach was to see hot chicks and he also tried peep on Akane and Nekomaru cause he thought they were having sex

They only like Kazuichi cause he's hot

And having a dark past isn't a excuse

Having a dark past can be the reason why people do these but not a excuses

But being a pervert that was abused isn't a reason or a excuse

I hate Hiyoko

Yeah I know about her past and how nails got put into her shoes

But she was a major bully to Mikan that has been mistreated her whole life

Like a said being abused can be a reason why she did it but it's not a excuse that Hiyoko abused Mikan


The ace spectrum is apart of LGBTQ cause it isn't absolute heterosexual

Yes there can be straight asexual however they still don't want sex and asexual is a sexual orientation


Having a opinion isn't a reason to be disrespectful

For example when people saying things like 'ew Gay' but then say things like 'I'm just saying my opinion'

There is a way you can show your opinion without being a dickhead and a bitch

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