Syobai / Shobai x reader public sex

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I know full well barely anyone knows/like Syobai

But I also know most of my readers love lemons so I'm kinda curious to see how this chapter goes.

Also ignore the fact that it's 2am and I started this chapter at midnight

And ignore the fact that I did this at midnight
You can probably guess the warnings from the title

"Hey" you heard Syobai

You two were meeting at the beach like usual.

At first it use to be just you since with the killing game it was hard to sleep and a beach is kind of a weak place to kill someone, but then the first time Syobai saw you walking around you had a conversation and that turned to him meeting you at the beach everyday.

He walked up to you and sat down next to you only for him to bring out his cigarette box.

He brought one everytime so you just got use to it and gave up trying to make him quit.

"So how are you feeling? after.... You know" Syobai asked

(Btw this is after chapter 4.......... *ugly sob (ू˃̣̣̣̣̣̣︿˂̣̣̣̣̣̣ ू))

"I don't know" you answered

He patted your head "your strong kid, don't go dying on me okay" he hooked his arm around your neck making you both laugh he then started to tickle you

"Hahaha Syobai haha stop"

"Pay back for yesterday"

The second he stopped you started to tickle him making him laugh to

After a couple of minutes you both stopped tickling each other since you both needed air

It was then that you realised both of your position.

He was facing you to tickle you while you were leaning against him from you tickling him. Your hands were on his chest from them automatically moving there to take a breather after you tickled his sides while his arms were on your hips since they automatically moved down from your sides after relaxing.

Not to mention you two were a panting mess and your clothes were all messed up so it would kind of look weird to people.

Oh yeah I forgot to mention you two were secretly dating but you both never told anyone for obvious reasons


With your hands still on his chest you pulled your self of him but he kept his grip on your waist.

"I ain't letting ya go" he said

😓 was your face after hearing that.

'Well I'm stuck' you thought to yourself

He pulled you to his chest making you pout

"Hey leggo!"

(No that wasn't a spelling mistake)


"Hm!" you pouted at him


You yelped in surprise

"D-did you just slap me on my ass?!?!?"

(Thought this chapter I'm having a dilemma on if he's being ooc or not)

"Yep" he said casually

Your shirt/jacket/hoodie slipped of your shoulder (shush if you were a real danganronpa character it would be possible for the fandom) not to mention you being a panting blushing mess Syobai thought you were hot.

Wrapped his arms around your waist since before his hands were just laying on the side of the waist.

"Can I fuck you right here?"

"Le what?!?!" you said in shock

"10,000 yen and I'll fuck you right here"

(£74, $93 and a bunch of others I can't remember from the top of my head"

"Wha- YOU asked ME to fuck you, why do you have to pay?!?!"

"So you admit you wanna have pubic sex with me" he gave you a cheeky smile

"No I-...... MMMMMMMMM" You screamed into your hands in embarassment

Syobai laughed

"here let me just"

He moved you so you were on his lap with your back leaning on his chest. One hand holding your and resting on your thigh and the other in between your legs making you moan.

He rested his head on your shoulder as you used your free hand grip onto a piece of clothing.

(Hold on I have a question. Why tf is Nikei 8th in a popularity pole while that psycho kanade is 2nd?!?)

Syobai stopped for a second and heard 2 people talking, it was unclear who.

He covered your mouth "shhhhhhh"

You whimpered into his hand cause you were close. You moved your hips to try and got him to move but of course it didn't do much from him holding your waist.

He noticed and continued moving his hand whole keeping an eye on the two shadows around the corner.

While you were panting into his hand and trying to keep quiet.

You finally came

(Idk why but saying came sounds more gross then saying orgasm)

Making you tense up and lift your head up while letting out a yelp into his hand not being able to keep quiet.

Of course for the sake of this chapter being interesting the 2 people around the corner heard you

"What was that?"

"Why not go check?" it sounded high pitched so you guessed it was two girls.

Syobai grabbed your hand and pulled you behind the trees out of sight from the 2 people

"You just can't keep quiet can you?" he whispered to you.

He threw you down onto your knees and unzipped his trousers getting his dick out.

"Since you have no money for that little debt we were talking about-"

"Your still making me pay for something you asked?!?"

"1 blowjob or...... 5 hand jobs"

"I hate you sometimes"

Syobai checked to see where the 2 people went off. They were just a few feet away from you two.

You put your mouth around his dick catching him off guard and quickly covered his mouth making a slapping sound

"I swear I'm hearing something" one of the two people said

Syobai grabbed your head and started to fuck your mouth. Syobai lifted his head up in pleasure as you gripped onto his trousers since his dick was going down your thoat

(Before you comment I really don't wanna know about your gag reflex)

The 2 other people seemed up have walked away so Syobai put his hand down and gripped onto your hair (or head if you don't have hair)

"Fuck" he mumbled and bit his lip

He mouth fucked you faster cause he was close to Cumming.

When he eventually did, he looked down to see you panting and cum dripping from your chin.

He zipped up his trousers and picked you up

"We're going to my room"

"Don't the rules say we're not allowed to go to other people's rooms?"

"Mikado will get his own free porn video will the camera's everywhere"


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