Important notes

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There are multiple things going on so I'mma just put the all in one chapter

1. On a social media (I ain't who cause I know what some of you are like) someone made this 'irl killing game' they have asked people from 10-20 to give their adress to make a live killing game (not alone)

This could be legit or this could be a troll but either was young people are giving them their real life address with is a serious online offense.

The things the happened in danganronpa Should stay fiction and if you tell me that it's not a serious offense or/and it's fine for people to do I am straight away blocking you. Idk if it was a joke or not.

2. If you know about tik tok drama you probably know who snow is.

If you don't, they

(Yes they, just because I don't like them doesn't mean I shouldn't use their correct pronouns)

Snow is a terrible person that does cosplays

They have
Used a cemetery without promotion and lied to people that they did have permission
They have used racist slurs
Sexualized young minors
Danced on graves
Sexually harassed people

If you think snow is a good person and you say that they didn't do anything wrong then your getting blocked. I ain't taking any excuse.

3. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this but I have some problems still

I am not lewding minors

In case you haven't noticed all of the lemons, I have not mentioned a killing game (unless if the reader or the characters is talking about the past)

That reason is because I have aged them up to at last in their mid 20's

Yes I am fully aware the legal age of consent is 13 but at the end of the day they are still a minor.

4. I am not against LGBTQ just because I don't ship the male protagonist with the male antagonist

First of all, I am in LGBTQ+. I can't be homophobic if I'm not straight.

Second of all, the reason why I don't ship time is because they were made to hate each other and I honestly didn't see any moments were they would like each other.

Third, everyone knows I'm a but ishimondo shipper.

It's kinda obvious I'm more onto the canon ships, you may think it's boring but that's just me.

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